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Show Fairy Tal& Bonner irLP IDA Ida was 111 In the hospital. , She was not very 111, but still she had to be In the hospital for awhile. Ida had Imagined the hospital would be a dreadful place with nothing In it but medicine. And when she was told that she would have to smell some ether which would make her go to sleep, so she would not feel the doctors fixing everything right so she'd get well fust, she had a feeling the ether might make her feel quite sick. Some one had told her it would. But to her great surprise she enjoyed It Yes, actually she enjoyed It. It was very sweet and quite pleasant, and the doctors and nurses said she was splendid the way she took It, and that mude It so easy fo Ser to go to sleep quickly. When she awoke she had bandages on her legs but she hardly noticed those, for the hospital was so different differ-ent a place from what she had Imagined. Im-agined. In the first place It wns filled with children! Yes, there were any num-f ber of children there, and the only grown-ups were the doctors and the nurses except on Saturday afternoon,' when all the daddies and the mothers came to call. Saturday was a most exciting day. There were always presents on Saturday. Sat-urday. And everyone shared their things with each other, which made It seem as though this could not be a hospital at all. All through the week there were so many children with whom Ida could talk. Such good times as they did have I . And then, one day, came a great surprise. , At first It frightened Ida, but when she saw that everyone was smiling and laughing she knew there was nothing for her to be frightened about. Hut you'll never be able to guess what the surprise was, so you'll have to hear about It right away I There, in the big ward of the hospital, hos-pital, where there were so many chfl- A Rl Live Elaphant dren came an enormous elephant. A real, live elephant, too, and he walked along swinging his great trunk as though to sHy : "If I get sipk I'll know the place to come where there are lots of children chil-dren and where everyone seems to be jolly and having fun. Yes, I'll know the place for me I" And then some of the children cried out with Joy. "The circus 1 The circus cir-cus is here! The circus has come to the hospital." And sure enough, many of the circus people and creatures crea-tures had come to give a little circus how to the children. There wag the elephant, and there were some clowns with their faces all whitened and such costumes as they wore 1 They did tricks and pluyed jokes, and were Just as funny as they could be, and there were some little people, and they snt on the edges of the children's chil-dren's beds and talked and told stories. Oh, yes, the circus people gave a splendid show to the children, for they had said to themselves: "The children who are sick cannot come to the cir-ua cir-ua let us go to them. And they had found out where most of the sick children chil-dren were In this big city hospital. It was a very exciting day, but Ida said she would never forget the surprise sur-prise she hud when first she saw the elephant walk right Into the ward. She had never seen an elephant before, and to see an elephant for the first time Is certainly something of a surprise. And that night, when all the children chil-dren were sleeping soundly after the beuutiful day they had had, the Kairy Wondrous Secrets peeped Into the wnnl snd unwrapped many little packages pack-ages which she scattered about everywhere. every-where. When morning cauie no one knew tliut Fairy Wondrous Secrets hud been visitor that night, and no one suw tho contents of the pucknges, nor the jiuekages themselves. But they en-Joyed en-Joyed these packages Just the same. 1'or the pnekHgeH vvurt tilled with Wood I.uk, (iood Cheer, and iood-lleiilth-Very-Soon. It wns one of the lulry Wondrous Secrets' most wonderful of secrets, how blie was able to doup .such packages. And Ida seemed to feel lots hotter. She wrote a letter to her pretty mol tier ti-er and her clever daddy telling them how Well she felt. But she didn't know that the iitlry Wondrous Secrets had blown tier a kinx as she wns leaving leav-ing the ward for the 1'alry Wondrous Soerets hnd thought Ma was Ju.-t aUmt all ria-ht! |