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Show PROBATE AND GUARDIANSBXP NOTICES. 'onsult County Clerk nr the Respective Respec-tive Signers for Further Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district cmrt of the Second Judicial district, in and for the countv of Weber, nta'e of 1'tah. Estate of John I. Ohls'-n. deceased. Notice Is hereby fclven by tho tin'-derelned tin'-derelned to all creditors of and all persons " bavin? elalmii apalnst the said deceased to cihihlt and present Un til with the neoefKary voncherb on 4.r before the 5th day of March, A. IX 1111, t4 the undersigned at tho law III Co of David Jeneon. Number f.n3 Elrst National Rank building, iQ 0-den 0-den City, Weber county. State of I tao. ENGWARl) ?. OHLSON. Administrator of tho Estate .f John' j Ohlson, Di-ceased. I'lrut publication, Oct. ivi. iio Last publication, Nov. lit;, 1510' HEAD THE CLASSIFIED PAGE. ' |