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Show I'O, was in Yuma two dus later, and armed here September So, the day 'be-fon the destruction of the Times. Although an lnve-stlgatlon will be made to uncertain the truthfulness of the story told today, tlih authorities are Inclined to the belief that his "confession" was tho result of some mental vagary'. CLAIMS TO HAVE BEEEN CHOSEN TO BLOW UP TIMES Phoenix. Ariz., Nov. ',. A sensational sensa-tional story of participation In the destruction de-struction of the Los Angeles Times building was told by FJdward Gllham, a waiter in a Chinese restaurant, at the Salvation Army meeting here last night. Gllham, who was Immediately Imme-diately arrested yesterday, denies the truth "of the story, saving be was drunk when he made the statement. Gllham said he was en, of sevin-tee-n blindfolded men who drew lots at Los Angeles union headquarters, and that h- w:is one of the three chosen to blow up the Times building. Ho said the plan was to blow up tho paper after It went to press, but that some employe, encountering the wires, caused the explosion to occur shortly after 1 o'clock in the morning, morn-ing, in Los Angeles, he said, he was known a King. Denvlng the story loday. Gilham says he left Ios Angeles September , |