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Show IKS 10 GO TOMER SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. I Despite the dramatic protests of the dead man's relatives. Efne Wllson. the slx-leen-year-old Texas gli 1 who stands self accu-jed of killing of Guido Vutsi, v. ho brought her from her San Antonio An-tonio home to the niclit life of this city, will not be visited with the vengeance ven-geance ol the law. Sue will go back to her mother in the Texas town, watched over by apLllanthropic woman wom-an of this city, and with the girl in her mother's keeping the peace and d gnity of the people of the slate of California will be satisfied. Charge Will Be Dismissed. The murder charge against her will be dismissed. ViirsI was shoi to death a month ago and at his bedside the girl wept out a confession that she had fired the shot The dy:ng man roused himself him-self to declare her innocence and died with the words on his lips. The misery mis-ery of the girl's plight as told by the press a week ago aroused the pity of several women of tlie city, among them Mis. Scatou. wu'.ow of a former judye. When Pol.ce Judge Coiilan heard tho story thev negged that he show clemency. They said the girl was a victim of wild.- plague besides her uther sufferngs and Judge C'on,-lan C'on,-lan released her in their custody wltu-out wltu-out bonds. To Go to Her Mother. At the preliminary hearing today Judge Conlnn said that the girl should go back to her mother accompanied by Mrs. Seaton "In the name of the law. 1 arrest this girl tor minder," declared the attorney for Varsl's relatives. Jud-;e Conlan sternly rebuked him and directed di-rected Mrs. Seaton ! nssunie custody of the prisoner. The attorney see ired a new warrunt but no judge would sign it nor officer serve it. and the virl goes back to ln-r home despite his utmost efforts to prevent it. |