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Show Mom e f ho to g.r a f h y a s ; a n i n t e renting anJ 'PRACTICAL OGCUFATIONlSKliW T PAGE for MISS B 5 A -- --- " 'craft known to profcsVionnls. Many' lolevor womon nrc ilfinnnsir.-itti'S I''" '1K,j lorory lii.v. evoii If tli;it Fin irt ICiiKtlh- j Iwomiin. Mr. Cmimt.-ii. (rHt not, sonic tyrius iiko. ill'istrfito Mm ivint ly mnkii i;' jportniits. wiili the himplcKt of oulfits itnI with hut litth- tftlinifMl knowl-MlS'1. wl.i' h honr r..rnp.iriNon with tho Lent I'h-to-' uraj.hs turni-d out hy Mic nrtiHts of the! pnsont l;i.v. I AcconliiiR to one of tho clovtrcst ama-, tour photocrrui.hprK in the country, an or-j .liitiiry m riiiin-ra, sny a 4xr.t with an inexpr-n-iv.' h-n miitahlu for nil round work, will ho all the mocha nk ill .-.iiilp-j incut iiccc-Kar.v to nlart uith. thoiich an eyo to artistic romposltlon is n fnrt..r that iiniKt lc cullivatod. Orantlne thes.? r.ipiir.'iui-ntH. .sati.sfa lory resulu can Ih? obiniiu'd. ((. KAItX 6rst." pIic TVrirns tho ama-I ama-I tour, ' how to hold tho catnoru. for failure to do this is rospoiisihlo for hy far tho k'reat'-Kt proportion of faiiuro. Steady the camera by pressing il well arc in shadow and tho hair touched by lichf. "There is no ronon for excluding nun-llv'lit nun-llv'lit in a r.Mitfi where a ticturc is to he taken, fr fro'pinfly onie very elmrminj,' r-ffort onn ho otfalnrd hy tho torn filter-in filter-in jr throuch the curtain. Fir-t pose tho iihjeet, thn tdiidy the result for the lichfiiip and ponernl effect If the face, which ix the point to ho considered is too much in tho shadow then move it until the light striken it rifrht. After that the background must ho inljntod. and I'.inuch it is sometime perrniRsihlo to throw up a bit of drupery to cover an unsightly wall il is nlwnys bent to retain the natural arrangement of the room. Should the face away from the l:K't br? too much in the hadow then a sheet M retched across the wall or thrown over a nTcei) will throw a mitlleient lieht to remedy the defect. "It M always bewt to take mibjectn In J their natural dress nnd poxe, fir it just this fealiiro in fnofc;ional picture Inking, where tin- person dresM- up li I his best, that is the cause of such poor results CITIinR with jrrowu-folk or wl;l j children (,'ive them full freelol' until the time eonn-s for unapp'.iii: the shutter, for in this way they will not have lime to get wearied or to assume n Viilinc for my picture' expression. Snapshots Snap-shots are always best for portrait photography, photog-raphy, and this means an exposure of. miv, half n second A good, Btrong light ' to take her own homo for her expencuco ground, and with this knowledge as a fouudotlon ehe will bo well fortified wheu oeekiuK fresh fichls and pastures now. while If sh'j wishes to go further she cau learn to develop end print her own picture. The demand fr home portraiture is increasing every day. and 'wot'ion noem especially fitted for this branch of the craft. "!lrls who have jlel8itre and n taste for the work hnie a field open to them that is usually avail-uhle avail-uhle to the professional, and there Is no euJ to the charmiDg results to be obtained, ob-tained, not to speak of the technicul side. which can always be made coumien uil ,lf the need ever presents it-elf. I country must be modified at Hie sea-si.i.re, sea-si.i.re, for thrio the reflected light is so great that as n rule the tendency is tr overexpose the film. A good rule to follow fol-low is never to allow less than one-one hundred and fiftieth of a second exposure. If waves are to he taken, focus at the print where the waves break and hold th- camera toward the objective point at right angh-s to the waves rather than directly iu front, as the effect will be better. bet-ter. "Another valuable suggestion for the beginner i in rcg-ird to changing the , .1 ,, iv SJliie OenioSe a roll of hlms may be changed in the day lime that the sun or light will not affect them, but even with care the light is apt to filter through and if not spoil t'lC whole roll ut least injure the edge so as to prnc- I in, - 'ykjmtmk IX every irirTs home there ,es a rh:irm- ing (uld for the I'm. of the camera, which opens up not only wonderful poxMhihtii v fur Imtsc!i" from tin artistic artis-tic point of view, but proves a i'n e 1 of ci.ti-i.iiu joy to her family and, Iricnds. She cm pottray little character- ti-s uhich wuuhl never line shniie fort'.i , iu the inure formal surroiiiidinus of the prufcs-ioiial idioiographer' studio. rcp:o-' du.e intetoiinL' hi;s of indoor life or familiar fa-miliar lit of (Inn- Mcin.-s alioiit which as time joes on inter si must nlivays linger, 1 lllLUUK r ib'e ure the Mll.jecIS wliich can be selected by the amateur jrirl photographer photogra-pher on which to try her skill. I'or ex-nmple, ex-nmple, an aiti-lic inlerinr is ei joyed by nearly every one. m bother familiar with the siirr.'imdiugs er ici. ; s iines the thousand-, of Mich pi.-t: p - tli.it hao be.-n reproduced iM i! i 'le s of rcci-nt years. Tlo- "uh wm'.Iv po-.es ., com-Uicrcial com-Uicrcial vnb'e '.! r nei -li'H o pari with them, as any decorative srheme I worked out from an original view point i in demand by the interior decorator or the cdoors of magazines catering to borne needs A series of photographs of a girl's own, room would prove interesting lo the occu-( pants as well as to their friends, and a colbvti.in of them as a holiday gift would lie mo-e than acceptable. Hits of lllid- s-ap'1 illustrating some picturesque hauutfj hoesij or lotlage about whic h cluster tcn-il'-r nienif.ries. a hKiorlc sjiot visited iu travel, nil identilied with personal experience, experi-ence, possess infinitely greater charm if taken by one's self than tf bought in the shops. ST'Ttnr.rtnsSlVi: American mother v. it!i i f.-Miiilv of crowing daughters, who spend ei.'ht months of the year in Ki.i-opcin I it vol. makes only one re-i'esi. re-i'esi. or rather issues one command to i i - ' i . . i - . . it CKttmAi. '. J . - -. - V, ItJtTSJWmS! . - f.',: v: ILaa- , . V ' .. V-n. f j." .....:.,:. i ' ' :'.:.'': v:'i: ... ' - i.'-I i.'-I i vs'fv i :'r' -V';,' ''" I .Li ' - ! ' . . r -. - -.- - - ( ' " -f : . t ' ' ' ' ' - ' t ' . ' ' , ' ' V, ' : '' ;-! ,f ' ' . ' ' X .-' .1 y"'?. ', - ' m:-t . r-yvs vv-j :. -L. -;,::, i . .r. ; '-'v y. T l:' 's .'..'':...- "' .'.'.v-V---JI back iigainsr the breast. thai by Umd-j ing the head the eyes will be dircc'lyi above tl.- tiinh-r. Te focus il there are a set of rules which deii,iiey de-crib. Ihe eii.,o. cmplocd for the par'icnlarj Mh' US.d. I "It is, however, ill the .1. t tils of ll-.'lililie I and arrangement that t In- majority of; amateur photographers fill short, it 1 1 I for which thei-e is only the experience, of M-terans in tie eft to aid lle in. "The lllietiessi-- of cliil.lrell open UO s;..tiilnl i 1 i I i t i - rt ' f..r lie nmaletir photographer, for. us they Ink Ihe s If-, oili.niiil!Mi,..ii of "TOW I. -lips. I hey present' innumerable pretty and characteristic n i - j ;het chillren. and that is that tl'.cy sli,i!l 'keep personal h.ioks of travel, tin- tl , tie ir ow n compo.siiiou, the illnst.a I .uiis , jtiie vork of tlieir own c nueras. Aa a result there are on the shehe of her l.brnry several ro s of books,' all handsomely bound, each bearing tie lame of the child whose work it Is. Ithe ilaie and LoDinry illustrated. At first i I t lie efforts wore crude, both as lo ib-M rip-' rip-' tioti and iili.-1 r i I ion. but Liter J'riH s.'io v !a mis' iiiiproM-meiit. and mt one ot tie tpiti ei from i i rl to finish luit is a ut.! j-j j-j hie gold mine of interest. t bii jl'n iae in ! J touch with the i ritual thing pictured in la wuy that Is not pus.sihle ewu by heating lb-ally make them useless. See that the lil in is lightly tidied and keep it in the Ik'til is little as possible. ' The wisest plan is for the girl amateur I ' i I rr-Tzs Tr-vvs . r - - I iV- . -" - . . , ! rr;y -i :(V . i i ' - '-.Cr 'w';3-' :x- :-v ry w W-rs&,m&J . : V,;' Miltmmm izyym$ the most graphic tales from Ihe lips of old and seasoueij travellers. To catch the Lkcucss of the baby of tb family tlirougii its pre.gressive sIiikcs of growth in varioiiH cha racterisl le attitudes, both indoors and out, is still another' branch of home photography which has Its possibilities. Sin h books become veri- table heirlomns in the family uud are handed dowo along with silver plate nnd! j other precious relics. ' I It is in portrait photography that the opportunities for the Kirl amateur are grealest and Ihe rewards commensurate,1 for the simplest snapshot shows up the I will he nquired for such nn exposure lo get good results. "Tin-re is al xays the possibility of gelling gel-ling some s-tunniiij; out of .1 iew s, but there are two things that add materially , to landscape photographs -the time of day the es.osure is made and llic almosihenc conditions, I'or clJYciive out of door iews Mi" them early in the morning or late i" the afiernooii; never midday, for then the liejit is tint, while Ihe shadows are uiurh more effective when they are Ioiir. "To gel Ui.it soft atmospheric effect take the picture either in the early moiu-ing moiu-ing before the dew H off the ground or just after a storm. If you want to get .the movement of running water do not make too fast an exposure. Should the sunliKht be very bright allow one-t we-uiy-tiflh of a second exposure: if in shadow, itlree or four seconds. One of the best litudcs while ..,t puy which are easy tol suap. Naturally iu making such pictures' the iuli rest .should centre ill the child, the background uuj surroundings la-lug subordinated. i 'One of the fallacies of the amateur, photographer, and one which, 1 uiuxl sji, many ed" the more experienced ones still j cling lo, is that the suu must be ut Jour back iu taking a picture Now it xvlll oe seen that If the sun is at the hack of the 1 hoiogiiipher. Il will shine directly iu the lace of Ihe person being pholographisJ. If the sun is overhead in such a position thal1 It does not shine directly iu the lens theu Ihe glare will not affect t'11-' expressiou ou the- face of the subject nor will it fog the! plate. I Color baa much to do with chuugingj the value of a picture. For example, veltow uud red will show "1 darker lhnil lu reality, w bile blue and the colder j shades will uppear lighter, so thai thin, should he takeu iulo account to keep lln picture In key. In photographing 11 'hilJl xilh I'u I r hair and light ec it h best io( allow the light to full from al ove or mine ,1'roui iie-hiuJ iu such a wi' luiit " '' characteristics of the person photo-, graphed to a far greater degree than the cleverest picture taken iu the prof'es-sional prof'es-sional studio under the carefully modn-i lated light and with all the acci-uric -i of Ihe most up to date picture gallery, aiid llm lit lie details of everyday life mid immensely im-mensely to the picture. There is the xvord of an expert that any girl of tante and perseverance cau turn out really creditable- pictures, nnd thi-s wlthout the aid of the elaborate aeoos-isories aeoos-isories or initiation lulo the sccrela of thg tlree or four seconds. One of tho best methods of paining experience by ones jcfforts is to keep a notebook and there i'a'-" down notes of each picture snapped, Ithe exposure, lighting, focussing, .Vc, and more xvill be learned by this means thai, by t,.st , I ' Hides linn apply to vuupshubs iu Uie |