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Show THIRD LEAGUE WILL ftf SU6CESS Kansas City, Mo., Nov. .5. A third major baseball league is not only a possibilitv. but will bn a decided success suc-cess when it is organized, believes Fielder Jones, formerly aianager of tho Chicago Americans. He Is here visiting John G. Kllng. the Chicago National s catcher, on his way to inspect in-spect his o'l lands in southeastern Kansas. "While I do not think that D A. Fletcher's proposed league will be a success." said Jones, "one is hoiin'l to come in the near future. Ry ol-talnlng ol-talnlng the si-natures of more than a hundred baseball players, Fletcher has shown that the men are willing til break away from the old organization. Some man with money will back such a scheme ond make ii a success. Jones says he will never accept the manace.nent of any team unless he owns at least lull' of the stock of the' club |