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Show Itf I! COT I ft ill I Question 1 Question 2 Question's Question 4 "" "Question 5 " "' ' ' '" U LU I U i3 U ?i,SJ;,J1.I2 It'r A7!t Sri0n?iA Article Shft1!Scction4.ofArticle . UN , , vimraiumn or ue Jlitt 10 of the CoMtitglion of the 10 of tne Corutilutioo of the 11 f ,t r e .l i t i .l - f ik. MM be amended la ph..,. tk. .... c. . i . . . c. . v . , . H he i-oiutirulion of the 14 of the Coniililxn ol the VJ xr , , ,n"' o"e rate Slate be amended lo define s,a,e amended to define . . l j j . l c. . v. I. J I r-ZS""1" of Uniinii c,., . ... - vt " , . . .... State be amended to chanze Slate be amended to cnange ill? ;.r::::3 i;r;' txsizzzx W"" to create a Hijh School Fund ? for the apportionment of the ' chool Dutncl.? pBBaaaWBHBMaaaaa . High School Fundi ? YES A NO YES A NO YES A NO YES NO YES A NO, PiiW i I 1 1 1 1 1 PULLTO right I I I I ' 6 7 I 8 9 10 H 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 TILLBEORINGS ,"" 53? STATE REPRESENTATIVES; S.., c Lt clr cZ,r cZ,T eZ, clV cZ; cZ, c.J.,,. VT Congrew Supreme Court Senator (V.u for an, 4) '., C,trk Treasurer., Aase.aor Sheriff Recorder Attorney Surveyor I I of the VVj ly I ' 8A 3A A LA. , . "A A .I0A, AJ 12 A IU V LA. II A VISA I'l A MA ' pjjjg I . A brrr sr si sr sr r-: sr. el? sr. x . Q , - ... :' . ' ' ' ' r rV ' - ' ? 4 ' tSfiP.3?v fj P0a.4. CbtrtatCA Thoovta Samuel Anhur E. 'ComHO. W.lliam ti l , Sherman S. WrtliafrTt. Levi t Hearv'c WahrrK f- n w n u ... - democratic , f. - . Ptrker,;- T4 s r;7N' rr;;D rr " ! ' " ( " :""Vtl ' ' IW fijgjji- ;; I t C - SC, 3C 4C - . iC " ''C; c- . c. , 10 C ll C U C Mi Cj i c c lC 17 c lC l3jggS ! JWA; Bo-nS., Anhu, jam..1 H H. JwA (Ca-l' O J. ' W,lll.mv j ' A.H LT. ' C ' DC W.tu.mT Ht i SOCULIST I V.nWoen Winter.. KlMe, Lundl 0I, . Nyve.d HarnJ M.7uThn , ,B A.i, Tnbc, ' Dx D '' MJcn VUy Sr ,D 2 D ..D tD ID- GD ID; x D D , 10 D. Ml D 12 O ' D., ' f t 1 D " it D NIT.D IS D I , Allen T; John A. j j AMERICAN 1 Stnh' I. I I I i . i o CANDIDATES FOR CONSTABLE, OGDEN PREC INCT Republican, Henry E. Steele; Democratic, Clemence H. Martin; Socialist, Hymm Jenkins. v Fof Precnmct fflceFS Republican Precinct Officers Democratic Precinct Officers r Precinct. Justice. Constable. , . Eden J. W. Shupc William Ooul.l Precinct. Justice. Constable. Farr Wost Clinrlrs JmbiTLr ll.urisvilK Ilornoe L. Sliurtliff Ilyruni Dabb llarrisville Cliarles Owens J. J. Hut ley onK.,. Jam.-s (1. AVuUlison, Jr E. G-orgo Parker lluntsville William II. Burrows Thomas W. Stoker ' Kanesville Samuel Peterson Jan-s Kawson ll..ntsv,!e . Joseph L. Petei-sen Merim-s Johanseu Iarriott T. P. Terry .Ariliibakl Stancrcr North Ogilen William P.aile3' Ailua Ferriu North Osden William B. Jones B. R Cliatelain West Weber E. A. Barnes .' David Hancock , Plain City "T. . William England Joseph Hutchinson . Pleasant View II. T. Khees John Barrett Biverdalc Joseph Broekbank Eld Bitter Boy Xephi Hardy Harry llamblin Slatervillu James p. Howell B. A. Slater Warren Joseph Wayment William Calder .West AVeber James B. McFarland Joseph llerriek .Wilson B. S. Chandler Win. II. Holmes STATE OP UTAH, OUM J CkFlS OffiCC ' ' County of Weber. ) v I, S 0. DYE, County Clerk in and for Weber County, in the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full true and correct list of all nominations certified to me under the provisions of Chapter 4, of Title 21, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, and that said nominations so certified will be placed upon the official ballots for the General Election to be held in said county on November 8th, A. D. 1910. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 31st day of October, A. D. 1910 (COUNTY CLERK'S SEAL) 'P? c71 Aif County ClerK ; 7 |