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Show If OILERS GO OUT 1 KTN SHOPMEN Seven Crafts Now Joined in Walkout; Gray States U. P. Policy Stationary engineer, firemen and j oilers who answered the call t suspend sus-pend work at 8 a. m. Monday Ju.v 17 havn .accepted an Invitation from ; the federated shop crafts now on I strike, to join with them and make I the movement In Ogden proceed wlth nliiKleness of purpose." It was in-, nouneid today by the ideal Cedero j tion. "Theso men have elected thc.rj representatives to serve on the execu- tive strike committee and business Iff no being conducted as seven feder ated crafts instead of nls The strike headquarter of these men Is th- Moose hall, where all their business Mill bo transacted Ve expect the number of organ I- utlons .Involved to be Increased aa fast as the need Is felt, and they without with-out doubt will take the same action, as the stationary engineers, firemen und oilers have done, SITUATION IMPROVES. The local situation continues to Im-I prove Men are offering to come out of ib- ehopa but so far no agreerot r' lias been reached as to what consideration consid-eration will be accorded these men.; The liberal donations of the mer-chants mer-chants and citizens of Ogden -iro . kceplnp the eating stations oil th( picket line well supplied The picket lino Itself Is dally growing stronger, as is the organization of ladles which! Is operating these eating stations. "The Iplendld attendance and en-1 thuslasm displayed at the mn.sS meeting meet-ing on Monday morning gave ample testimony of the sentiment in Ogden I a wire received f'r,m B M Jewell g nor- the meeting accords he same protei tlon to toremen who answer th' call as is accorded all others. Th.- era Is involved wish to x-presa x-presa Qielr thanks. IndivlduaJly and collectively, l" t lie two Qiiartofs for: tholr entertainment at the mass mem-' ing and for the excellent service vol-untaril) vol-untaril) rendered almost continuous-1 ly slnci the walkout, by a musical organization or-ganization that all workers In Ogden h are proud of, our proven friends, the'; Italian band, p I. STATEMENT. "New York. Julv 16 ".Mr. K E Calvin. Vice President it. r System, Salt Lake City, Utah. I i. .u- Kor the information of the general public from whom ln, quirlc have reached me a well as fof the assurance of our shop em-pleyes em-pleyes and those who are entering our i t,. r I e every day and to the end I mot our former employes may thor-' ou,'hly understand our position I wish re u would communicate the contents nf this letter to the public through it press and to all of our offic ials j so that the pubic and each former: Mnploye ?-liall bo personally advised I In regard thereto. - Chairman Ben "ft . Hooper, of the V. 5. Ft. ft. Labor board, Juy 1, 1922. Issued the following statement 'Re-gardlcsa 'Re-gardlcsa of any question of th? right "of the iii'-n to Ftrlko, the men who take the strikers' places are merely' acpcpl niK the wages and working con-rl. con-rl. lions prescribed by a government' ' tribunal and are performing a pub- JA crice They are not accepting rh' wages and working conditions Which an employer Is trying to im-j pom'. For this reason public sentl-t oicnt and full government power will! . protect the men who remain In their positions, and now men who may cms in the end.' LABOR BOARD DECISION. uiiMr-ouentIv the labor board has I declared that the rules and working condition under which tho mechanl- J r.il forces were working before tho stiike arc still In lull force and ef-' ef-' feet. Thev cannot be chanjrod exceDt by an agreement between our employes em-ployes and the management of this - stem or in event of failure to reach mutual agreement by our employes not the former employes) and in-' nnnagemrnt ex-parte or Jointly re-! T.rrlng the disagreement to tho TJ. S R R. labor board for doclslon. thoro fore, since 6ur former employes left our serlce of their own free will tr.i) accord, thereby ceaalng to bo employes em-ployes of this nystem. tho public and those who remained loyal to our service ser-vice and those who have entered '.iie service since the strike as well as thoge who are entering our employ daily, may rest assured that the management man-agement of this system will use every ri sourle at its command to keep faith with them and unqualifiedly pledges n-elf to make no settlement of the strike which will in any manner; whatsoovor deprive them of their I rlyhts or Jobs which they have faln.id In accordance with our shop crafts agreement and the declaration of the) labor board ENTER AS VEW EMPLOYES, The only way that any one of our former employes may enter our service ser-vice Is as a new employe, and the opportunity op-portunity to even thiiH oner ho servlco Jr growing less day by day owing to the fact that our forces are rapidly Increasing. . "The public will keep In mind the fact that this strike Is not against this railroad syHtem, but that it is against the decision of an agency of our government, therefore, th- strike xlmply resolves itself Into the question ques-tion whether the orderly processes of law and order shall prevail or the arbitrary action of a very small minority. min-ority. To that question thero can bo but one answer. We are a law abiding abid-ing people, the orderly processes of! tho law shall prevail. The management manage-ment of this system has religiously, at all times kept faith with its em-plojes em-plojes both a.s to its spoken and written writ-ten word and It always will. 'YOUrS verv truly i C. R GRAY. President." 1 |