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Show DEMOCRATS OPEN CANDIDATES' 'SCHOOL' MINNEAPOLIS. July ig.with Edward Ed-ward Indrehus of Foley, Democratic candidate for governor, as tho first scholar," the Democratic "school" for that party's aspirants to sUte and I nited States senatorial offices in thc November election, opened here today. The various candidate? will learn the latest argument in political campaigns, cam-paigns, from Mr. Halsoy B Wilson, national director of education for Democratic women, "thc teacher " for the three day course. Mrs. Wilson today discussed the principles and policies of the Demo- cratic party," The Tariff, ' and "Women "Wo-men in Politics." Among those who will conduct the lessons' are Miss Anna Dickie Oleson. of rioquet. the party's nominee for the Ignited States senate. Mrs. Lillian oault, of St Peter candidates for congress con-gress from thc third district, and John Coan, Minneapolis, who Heeks the I toga now held by Walter H. Newton, Republican, representative from the fifth congressional district. , 00 |