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Show pSKiyORIURES IPX), the Clean, Antiseptic iquid, Just What Vou Need i toon't worry about Eczema or other j D troubles. Vou can have a clear, llthy skin by usinfc Zcmo obtained at (-drug store for 35c. or extra large tie at $1.00. 5emo generally removes Pimples, ICkheads. Blotches, Eczema and Rmg-rm Rmg-rm and makes the skin cleur and Ithy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, aseptic liquid It is easily applied I costs a mere trifle for each applica-B. applica-B. It is always dependable. inds and Arms Made jrprisinjjly Beautiful L& single application of Derwil-jOlrls, Derwil-jOlrls, I i, i III,, ,,,, ,,,,, I.. ,,utlfle Lcompe.M,,ri. mu r. m v. ,,n,, , f u for Bandit :,nd .arm- ImiwHIo . .,me In' i thh.6 , wbll.-. fl, ,a, l.runelle . is especially recommended for the I and arms. Since short sleeves are Oi-ue, It la necessary to have your la and inns looking their best and a Ot Denvllln fr,r t h 1-. purpose will I Hah you. Remember, it stays on so better than powder and doe not I Off on rlothlnK It is "Just the r to usfi In bautlfvlnj' vour hands arms. At ail toilet rountsra of de-Bent de-Bent stores and ip-to-date druggists. Hrrtisem;nt &es Tired? am2-Ufie?es tJred nd orerworlted: K. achc' bllrn or mart. go to WJatlets Drop one tablet in a fourth K.fi8 . "r,r,rr and U3' lo hatlie the BBBWirom two to four times a day. You iHiort Bon-Opto brinKs. eiTrhing About Euticura Soap fnggests Efficiency Kgal Guaraatee Giveru HNrf ! Knit no pin continue work. jjIo Me Qe-Mili File Treatment. BNSIGN drug CO. j 333 24th Street One good dance follows another I for with Victor dance music, every dance is a good dance. You, m yourself, select the latest dance numbers, played by the greatest P dance orchestras. m Always at your command, on Victor Records, are Paul White- ft man and His Orchestra, The Benson Orchestra of Chicago, Club R Royal Orchestra, Joseph C. Smith and His Orchestra, The Vir- p ginians, All Star Trio and Their Orchestra, Hackel-Berge Orchestra, p. International Novelty Orchestra, Zez Confrey and His Orchestra, l and other favorite organizations. if s Victrolas $25 to $1500. Victor Dance Records, double-faced, h 75 cents and $1.25. At all dealers in Victor products. i Mi "Victrola I ! JllMSU REG. U. S. PAT. 0 FF HIS MASTERS VOICE" Important Look for these trade-marks. Under the lid. On the label. Victor Talking Machine Company I Camden, New Jersey Jpm jtrQ' ftlied uPn Gouraud's H Kffil Ontnul Cream to Urm IS 2a sl'n n B0mpJss Uu itfHb lon in Pcf condition fm fhrouRn tr"' str"3 01 |