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Show I NEBRASKA HAS THREETICKETS Women and Liquor Laws Further Complicate Primary Pri-mary Balloting OMAHA Neb Julv IS. Connttt'i-"nln Connttt'i-"nln of three parties Ilcpublican. Democratic and Progressive wore prepared for balloting In the statewide state-wide primary today m which i-andl-datca for I nlted Pi.itos senator, ccn-crresainf-n, governor .md state officer-, will 1 8 nominated. Gilbert M. Hitchcock la opposed for renonilna: i. .n on the Democratic ticket by l O Shroyer of Humboldt md Anthony T Monohan of Omaha. s'hrotr has the backlog of dry" i-iemc" rata, according to a statement ' insuert by set. tie Anti-Saloon leagrio lieadd'i i rt era. CLOSEST CONTESrT. What promises to be iho closest ontest of all Is on the- Republican ticket where ux. men art making the race for the senatorial nomlna-; nomlna-; tlon Albert W . J?;toris. incumbent j congressman from Omah.i and It. TJ. Howe!l. Republican notional icmmlt-I icmmlt-I reman, have been making the mot active caDatgfW, C. H. tJustnfyon. head of the United States ' iraln J Growers, Inc.. Attorney Qen&Rj Clat- j nce M. Da via FraJnJ John of Grun'l , Island anrl John O Y-lsei of Oinolia j H . are the other eaatonal candidates j The lJroKrealve Dartv an infani j hardlv elRht months old boldly bo-1 Kins its career with a plank ondor'-l mg government ownership of rail-j rail-j '"o.ids. adeauate farm products price? H t nd legislation favoring labor- A II KIroJow. Omaha, and Arthur O Wrny j B of York are candidates for the Menu-I H torlal nomination on this ticket. ' ! WOMEN A X D l.iyioR. Women and the olahteenih nm-nrl-j ment ,uf exDOCted io Dlav an imDon-ant imDon-ant part In the balloting- The pro- . hibitlon issue, while not paramount. PPH has been strong enough to bring PPH I forth statements of most " indldatee II as to whether thrv fior modlilco PPH Hon pi" the present laws oj rigid en- forcemeat, and their attitude is expected ex-pected to figui .ip.i.-.S.l I, in i a. r. -I , lurns. Mr.-. B. I.uclla Barton of Lincoln. is unoiinosr.1 on th Prohibit ion ticket lor nomination ni congressman trom the First district. nn |