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Show 00 DEFENSE ATTACKS CONVICT'S TESTIMONY LOS ANGELES, July IS Efforts to Impeach the testimony of Paul P Roman were begun Monday In the trial of Mrs. Madalyttne Obenchaln for the murder of J. Bellon Kenned) Roman, a convict In Folsom penitentiary, peniten-tiary, testified for the prosecution that Mrs. Obenchaln tried to persuade him to give false testlmoiy for her. Lloyd Smith, recently convicted of a mall theft at Colton, Tad., sworo that Roman told him his story was a "frame-up" and that It was planned to "get even" with Mrs Obenchaln . Asked in cross examination If he ever had been convicted of felonv. Smith replied "Yes, but never for framing a woman " Other witnesses declared Mrs Elisabeth Eli-sabeth Besenty had made statements to them different from those eho made on the witness stand. Her testimony related to Incident! the night Kennedy was slaln- L |