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Show ADVENTURES OF THE TWINS I mrt OLIVE ROBERT BARTOW h "That so?" said Dr. Snuffles. "Wi leg medicine." Nancy and Nick overheard Mrs. Robin talking to Mrs. Frog down by tho pond Mrs. Robin was saying: i "Oh, don't bo disappointed about your children, Mrs. Frog. Mine were born without a single feather bald as door knobs, my dear! But I went to Dr. Snuffles apd ho gave me some drops and in three weeks my children were beautiful." "Oh," said Mrs. Frog eagerly, "do you think it would do my pollywog3 j any good. Mrs. Robin? Really, I'm almost al-most ashamed of them. They haven't B leg to Btand on and, mind you, they've actually got tails like lizards." liz-ards." "Well," Bald Mrs. Robin "I have half a bottle left and you're welcome to it, I'm sure." The Twins slipped away and told (he fairy doctor all about It "H'm," said that gentleman thoughtfully. thought-fully. "It's bad business for people to take other folks' medicine! I'll have to give her a little lesson." Next day Dr. Snuffles presented himself at Mrs. Frog's front door and asked about the pollywog children. "They're fine, thank you." said Mrs Frog, "only their legs don't grow very fast." sll, well! I'll have to give you some "That so?" said Dr. Snuffles "Well, well! I'll have to give them some leg medicine I gave Mrs. Robin's chlldron some feather medicine, and you ought to see 'em now!" "Feather medicine'" shrieked Mrs. Frog. "Was that feather medicine she gave me? Goodness They'll have feathers all over them! Oh, doctor, what shall I do?" Then Dr. Snuffles kindly, but firmly, firm-ly, gave her a piece of his mind. He told her what not to do thereafter And that was not to borrow medicine from a neighbor. Also he said to let her pollywogs alone and they would grow all the legs they needed and lose their tails a3 well. Which they did. (To Bo Continued.) . (Copyright, 1922, NEA Service ) |