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Show I Hla Hobby. I A Rcntlomnn formerly attached to . . V tho American emhussy at 1-omlnn tella how nil old country action In a certain Knullsh town, ill aliowlnn vlallora round tho church yard, uacd to atop at . one tomb and any: i "Thla 'ore la tho tomb of 'Knry 'k 'Ooiier. an' 'la eleven wlvoa. "Kleveii!" cxi-ullmed a tourlat, on oao occasion. "Denr mo! Thnt'i rather a lot, lan't It?" WhereuiKin tho aexton, looking gravely at hla questioner, replied: "Well, mum: yul aee, It war an 'obby et 'la'n." I turner's MiiKnzlno. |