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Show Grass Creek Net) (i'o bile l-.r t i U ASS 1 li I-. I : l . FlCa,. ,, Wilde mill Wife lllllli-S'J -v,,)., In the i-oiinty ki'.iI liiSWiu,, Tlit-re Ih lulk of a ilane-- ,r u I'm-mur hiliiri'. I n'l' "111,,, rtlii-n our piiptil.'iilnii r-iK ,(,,. 112 Uioii-nnd nun I.. Mr. t'luirlen Sioiien of iimdo ii kbort vMIt dura hfr 'imer. Mra. Jiimi R llowurth "tv,. Iny IhkI News of tha death of Mr. lrt Wilnon'a mother, who dll ln10. ada, nn liec. 4th, renahed Ml too ml. to enable Mm to rtUA t,r funeral. aVji) (leorire llahaa In on Oie I7k k John Wrl(rbt, our aohmii te.iir la having Kat auccena vltlij, children thla winter. Tha.ehiMil trntea wers npWe vlaltliiK our aohool on Tuesday. The little babe of Mr. and llnv. It. Hbaw la on tha linprovs attkU 'writing. ' J Kred Htoiien waa brought In tt iVynmlng yesterday by hi broil Alfred, aulforlnii with the trihw fevar. Robert Stonebraker returaeSS t'rne tod.iy. Had pennleii' slwsn return for there la no laM home. Hheilf! Wm. Wilde made bin nam trip up here yeaterday. |