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Show City Council r'jSfl ,1 Coalville City Counoll met 10 ad. Journ.a aeaelon laat Monday alght with the mayor and a quorum gra-aent. gra-aent. The flrat matter taken up waaalty offlcera report. tiikaki. nan's monthly arifW' Dal. on hand Oct. 81 I 804 B Herd, from llcrnaea 7 It " " gen. property tax VMV " meter I0 " " electric light!.... M'jf trf tf By redeemed warrant ... TO ft Hal. on hand Nov. I WM On motion tha trnaeurer'a report waa referred to the auditing aeat- roll tee. The city marahal'a report ahewlnf (m m oollented and ona arraat. aa.TTon'a aapenr Ona grave a 00 Ona lot aold 0W Two recordluga I 00 IS 00 Tha monthly report of tha electric light committee waa, with tho report re-port of tbo marahal and oily aexton referred to tha commltteeon finance and auditing. A communication from Mm. M. K. Rlioadea proieetlug nlnt vy-iug vy-iug Hi water tax waa referred to I be oouimittea on Are and water. I A oomtunnlcatlou from the cfty recorder of Rait I.akeClty, relative to the anal roinliln and a.klng tba council to paa a reaolutloo agaluat aald combine, waa referred to the tnaor, with the recommendation that if Palt Lake wlabea to get out of tha eliitchna of tha "coal ootn-blna" ootn-blna" that Miry loek an thla part of tha atntv for relief. Councilman Ball of tha eoninlrt e on tren, aiaya and brldxea, reported re-ported that, certain blaukamltb abop on MalivV," '"' front door of aid 'hop coulrnrv to a resolution paiuwd by the council laat eprlng. The repurt wna accept, ed and the marahal waa nut tiled to Inform the owueraof the blaekmnlth ahop that they would havu to uao a reur entrMiice in the future. . The recorder waa Itiairucted to write J. li. Salmon, tha cement aide walk contractor, to roniove din from croHH-walka utid alno clean up city atreeta. J Conncilmnii Cnlilarwond reported! that J. II. (Salmon lind atopped paving pav-ing for thla your, except poietibly another crona-wnlk. A warrnnl for $;m.tHI waa ordered drawn In fuvor of I'runk Deiiiing, chalriiian of the electrlu light com-lllltleo com-lllltleo to p:iy freight II I III fXpr-h.', bill. ( oiliicil niljoiiriied lo .Mondiiy I lllllt, Dee. l'.nh, llilo. ! |