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Show I Bread In Sheets. Women of tbo Mnkl iudlnni In the deiu rls of New MVaIco muke bread In nht eta no thli k r limit a beet of iiitpcr. Tbo corn, of wli'tn tho bread la mule, la ground lu lwei-n two heavy ' loin a tin t II II bei o iiea very line. Then It la mixed villli van r en I a very Ihln Iialler la ajiread on n hot atom over j tho lire, whi le It In allowed to tiako for roiisldinil.le tl.no. Wh'-n one able la li.iked the other la turned. Sheet afli r sheet la linked In Ihla manner. No milt In ucd In Hie bailer, and I ho bnnil has a aweollnh laHte. It la usually blue, tiiklnit tho color of tho com from hleh It la Uiudo. Ohrli tlan Keleiico Monllor. |