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Show PRESIDENT-tisliSTICES Edward Ooug'x whltt Now Chief Juatice, and Vedvc'tr of Wyoming Wyo-ming ard Umar f Georgia, I New Merrtrri- Wnahlnrlon The lito on . Monday Mon-day confirmed Myitlon nf Kd-ward Kd-ward DotiKlaa J V p Loulalana, to be chief H.N1 l ulled Statpa. AccompanylniJALn White's nnme In tha Hat of miina were thoao it Juatlca Una yaileventnr of Wyoming, Wyo-ming, now a Wneofihe Klghtb Judicial Judic-ial circuit, an Jovi'h It. Lamnr of Georgia, furwriy of the auprem rourt of hla gate, ta bo aaaoclnte Jua tlcea of the tal-d Hlntea. No action via takrn In their caea, although than ts a apparent opiioal-tlon, opiioal-tlon, nor wa any attempt mnde to :onnrm the Mg-i named for the new 3ourt of coaaere All were referred to th acnaa )aIKIary committee. |