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Show WORD WILL HOT PE MlSSrS Mr. Sklmmerton trjnlca Over Put-lag Put-lag of Overwerked "Qru.lllna" Put Away With "Raueoua." "We 'len t net, to oclen now to t.il.it." ulil 111 Sl.inimei ion, "tho word 'uruel ling.' und I inn glnd of that, (or to tell oii ti e llnl 'uolcil truth I hail begun to tiro of ri ikJ.uk iiImhU 'gruelling con teBta" fo,- :- i it nut y bi twven two (let ruiiiii r. or mo p m.i iwunilinK e.irb ntln r' tace, or Im 'wi un two men row ' lug or paving 'eiinla "In flirt, r '-i--:ifK had beuim. n you mlcM bj, to pull on me ut niucoiiH illil, nut to long n,:o. Uon't !on renieniher thi't ihire wna a time when no writer ever fallod to deierlte. r.onio one of hla clmrnetera aa apcukliia III a rnueoua vnlcn? "Posiuvely raiKiiua mm to ho pnln fill to me, ao that It would prejuillce ine RKUluat a whole book to find thl j word In it, and then hiipplly autliom put lli.it word aalde. "Hut there teonm lo bo nlwnya In ! line aonte word ItitK la aoreljr over- 'I worked. It wuh n irood word mayh'J orlKinully unit It cutehua uianj wrltefjJ (uncy. And then tboy wear It tread I bare, old, decrepit, till the very eight of I It wcnrleg. . I "Hucb a word hnd gruelling come ti f be. You roulU rend of aenrcely Rnf trial of atrennth or aperd without flnilj Ing that It had been a 'gruelling cnul teat,' or that It had bad a 'gruelling ft I lh:' they were nil gruelling In kui.J wny; bin mcul griielllnf of all to til 1 tfiiiler, It ai'f in to in. I i "I'M now eruelling hue gone out I I fiisblnn, It bua lieeu put away nlo l-' with rauroua nnj wlih our once faiull lar dull tbud and other much ov.r worked worda aod pbrnaea." I |