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Show QUAKtivBACK FIELDERS j BEST M m im tot lait Hvn...1ea Jrrr ' t; tiw m,i HoAi-it tin am Csctl In Speed and Versatility. Tba four men composing '.hs Vnl-reraliy Vnl-reraliy of Pennsylvania's bark field ire regarded thta year the finest quartan quar-tan that the Quakers ever developed sot only that, but all tha football Titles of the enst consider that for giead and versallty tney have any a her four men In the east outclasaod. Tills quartette la composed of F. I.. Umadell, Hoy Mercer, Hutchinson cott and Frank Snmmer. Knmsdell the American Inlennllrglate and biglish loo ard champion sprinter, i s has repeatedly run 100 yards In . slid the 200 yard dnsh In :zl S t. Uat yesr llamtdell was a member of Is Quaker squad, but had nothing Ht bis speed to recommend hlnv As rouseqtienco, the coaches did not ut him In any of the big games it waa regarded aa a football fall I. Thla year Itamsdell did not re-It re-It for tba team until the day before tb: season opened. In some lnet-PWble lnet-PWble manner, Itamsdell has leaped i tho limelight as a full-fledged t. writes Kdward flushnell In tha ''ILoult (ik.be Democrat. He seems '. faster than ever In football Jo but. of morn value, he hat ''hed the use of the ttrolght arm a haa mattered tho prlnrlplea of 1''ulve football. In every game tha Imern have plnved to date he hut '"tome wonderful running. RaoimIcII has as hit running n.ato ' sua who It quite aa wonderful at hlmmf, ti,i, I, tuy Mercer, the Qtultrs' all around athlete. .Mercer' best distance Is the quarter mil "bkt ho has run In fiO seconds. If' basiko been Umed In 10 1 ! terois for 1W yards. In addition to lis printing be baa a record of 12 Jt-et and I inchea In tha poia. tault, 4;blch I sVcnta. m actiaeiiiar! and dr Si jjsel tni tiie broad Jump, . He nVeer played (oot ball until last year.' whea e entu-ed I'ennsylvanla. and Tie J played 1st three games with hit fret'.!-nan's fret'.!-nan's ts)m. Thla fall ha did not ra-Iporl ra-Iporl forjho varsity eleven until twoV ismes bad been played. The coachca bad planted to make an end out of him, but tha dlsuusllllcallon of Full Uack Hutchinson Induced the coaches to put hltrcer In the back field. Tbey ara congratulating themselves now Ihst they did this, otherwise they (night never have discovered what a wonderful player Mercer la. Since starting at full bark. Mercer haa shown froundgaltflng ability tho equal of Itamsdell, and la even better than th sprinter aa a defensive player. Tha third man who la shining fot I'ennsylvsnla la Hutchinson Scott, th quarter back. Ijist yesr waa tha first that Scott aver played college football foot-ball and then ha played but three games This year la bla flrat at quarter quar-ter back. Although handicapped by an Injury, ha haa run tha team In all the big games with rare Judgment Hut his greatest asset la bla kicking The Quakers have turned out anme wonderful kickers In past years, but Scott tops the list. Ho kicks with his left, foot and gets the bnll away so quickly that he haa not had a punt blocked thla year. He kicks a low, driving ball, which strikes the ground snout tweuty five yards beyond the line of scrimmage. Seemingly hs Is able to plara tha ball within a few feet of any point dealred. Ilerausa of his skill, not more than hair of bis punts were captured by tha opposing op-posing backs. Considering the distance dis-tance tha bull usually rolls before being be-ing recovered, and tha frequency with which Pennsylvania recovers tha puuls, Sitilt bus outklcked every opponent op-ponent he bss met by many yards. He Is also a good man In handling kicks In the back field and la a good groiindgalner on end rune, i Summer won hla position by his underfill work In the lfsyetle ame. Vntll thnt exhibition It had been the Intent Ion of the cuachea to give Harrington Ihe place, but on account ot a wet field they started Hummer. Ho proved such a sl-ong ground gainer on linn plunges, us well aa end runs, thut ho has won the piece. He broke through the tafsy-ette tafsy-ette Una repeatedly and It alwsva vsv gulraat two or lars Ucklera behrliig him down. 'Ono be oul fhruufh Ui afayett center tor a M-yaJS run and a touchdown. i . Ramldell stands six feet In lielglit and welgha 180 pounds. Itaniadell'e homo Is In Texaa and ba la known as t'Tet." Mercer atanda 6 feet Jl Inchea In hilglit and welgha 175 potinda lutchlnsnn Scott stands fecot ( Inches In height and weighs le!t pounds. Ilesldes playing font ball he la one of Mike Myphy's best hurdlers. Frank Summers stands & feet 10 Inches In height and weighs 170 pounds. This Is bis fourth year aa a member of the Pennsylvania squad. |