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Show w. . ' ! 1-4- H - The oaloille I . r. J i J Ter,.. Tbrix f 1 - , y . . . O. ii'X ..... . r a t ' t y ! , .... , V dti il i" from a fl.to titI- -' fiiNv bia ' it -w pT ltilllel hoh-a-i- j- .40 duil m: .75 ernMmii $W(J - f ! !1 fr li: e n.l I f e3 The I Tiiu'., m hould 'i.irrmri.'ii tH Coalville Iyurges, I Uuh. ivtlle, .Kci almulrt he ir il llio Coalvll! j'imea " ,Bmltti th ready. tiipper more luuitUU Si- - ! ti Jl at Man nTT tn . That - ,r(d suHijm.in or other puiuioiicry tr'ouli-J- st as Mem as the VOmrly,. ear- - troll aTo s Hote-- mid "ard core of ht 1 1 berry in her hair. A-t- dt w . n (ounipctloa. .rw- 0f When your feet are vei and cold and your body chilled through hi; throUuh from exmiure. take (vent- 011 dM , f (tainler!ir.V ted perfectvi in edi'. lathyou ed preventa-ofsHh- e . u lorcpolntr to b luni'b. T n mu- -t cortHin to avsr! Price 25c, oOe and $1 per bottle, coht. For ale t.ff Joiii. jJA -t- ioia bf John Doyden Jfc Son. it - Kint fcjniruoil I'un lur llbaJpmy ig to bt.war rm M,. f- n tV bn a rnlije- X. hewmle Drucsnu Toledo O. (bra uM lomoMlT. ctm b- 1 Had She wasnt to blame. She had not put it there. mistletoe uoimruow to all e..ld. J- - CM Waadter Adrica ( hereby toall pur veil WANTK i,.t - 1, i. t' read the opening li Summit erial tory hy rfipMrt niyt bnJ their deedJ Robert V, Ci.'unlieii. in tiifl "t fo' ' die t'oMiiojMiiifti iiu'fil-!- -f u liuvmg a,sei itlie. coim the greatest novel Magnzjii. nt owiiersh'p mu ps made and ear is illustrated' by 'Itlie and It Is d "httrlesj Dana Gibson. qol the Spnvo all h names of th .owners o lands sppeoi loircanl e assessed to the of When you have a cold gqt a bottle Chamber'lsTu'iiCoujfh .Ketnedy. mnmrwwrw After the first of the ,t owner. soon' fix you up all fight and ItVill In'tftt aiSessW a4i will he of any tendency, toward jjrill,prar4 if so. owner, ypu record t the THE CALL ' OF CRt3TCAi remedy contains 74. fleeted to have yoqr deeds pneumonia. This narcotlc-andmanp. opium jifjttber land Xecord. and your a: Insplrstlen ef Tim itoeuiC Brief u MiO some oneVse it wlll lie lie glyen aa.wqhfUently to a baby as n Deeper Sense ef Ferecnel Re to an wdult.i 614 by Jehtf Boyden Tolrvn fault. apeaelMlity. 5" A Son.-- ' of Boafd County yetderofthe It is Chrietmes time, sad st this . CITT DIRECT05T. moment the call Is te .lift up oul) CiqKi'Jioner. J. M. Hixson,' jealj hearts sad weteeme the Light of the , . County Clerk. , .. World, to rest ter awhile tq the glory Mayor T.M: Dsfh. of (hat tight; not, indeed, forgettlai TT Petirfefn. Recorder-V.r- J: the losaons he weald have ns .Utiv nor thoM, grsat servants of Ms tqte 'Klalftind Guidlanshlp lotlces. Treasurer Ji Wf field taught os to kasw sad lov add hod. CiiuadilmenvrtSnk and hav passed away ; hat In o.mS- - tOBPtJ .Clerk' of fipdc!tlve elsneri! . WUde aad J. Ball, rood, s' tor further Inform tleh. and adoration seaktng to Phkra 0L GIatIl' . -- a j a mere sad more hew he thrf'Tktfd Judicial haw I, Lips red as a cherry. It hardly was fair, Yet Ac wasn't to blame. Foe it's clear that the same Was the fault of the beny. That caught ia ber hair. 1 ixd couu-hitv- e t(. vjnty of tlie m -- -- Nov-e:nl- ; er dstc-requ- I ft Livestock Directory. ii. Coalville rvi.ne 1 Cards under this heading at reasonable rates year. A card is protection to your lntererests (mil i.wiu ct,tter will .uy ,i,i least tii ree years. f'r the spi c ior at in Every lauoher and Summit county sliiuihl be represented here. Terms of advertising prom; t.y given on application to this ppper. . jH-- r will he tome bU to old and young, Nearly everybody, smrv of the Christ whefcv ADVERTISING RATES j ,'hl'd Is r. fea'edTTooks lougtngly day, forward to the great r Horn m e the brighter for it, and pan COLD M!C. rjCH. EDHOLM & AKIN . One time f 15 the hoil.v, mistletoe, laurl, spruce and vpfka rakU'k; billiard One month .13't auu LA CHAPELLE CHEEK. pine with which we decorate .... .14 our rooms reflect some of that bright Ibre ux)0h Oft t tie biftuiied with either of the .11 ttix mouth following brands; ness hr their cbeey red and gloeey .4 On year ,10 -- emu. With all the members of the on right side on left side no. or 1 jiche carp 3 a o.f ykahj from the little child whlch family, .. IMS's 1( laches.., on left on both with wondering eyes gases upon tbs Honteg 12 ISO Inches,:.... ' Santa side. LEashjOulder,, mysterious, 00 Inches ,tl Claus to tiie yenerablegranchilre Suitable reward leadihlo recov1000 Inches ,10 ery of estraye. Address'-EdhOlsilvered whose head many , For locals In local vofnuin, 10 cU. Akin, Evsnatoii, Wyoming. winters, gladness and hope reign S Hue f3r cents let Insertion, per supreme, ft la Tli day beyond all "I ' ubsequent. other days for family reunions, and Physiciaji,andJSurgeon Header, with heads, 8 cents 1st the' gifts which the members Ive fneertion ; A cent subsequent. eacirother are the fUting offerings of affection. Happy is the home iu would fn ta I'Utiict Court ot Ttm'msn who harbors a resentful which on (hrlatmas Day and every us serve him. The inspiration oft to pSrlct, In end for Summit Qeont jr.UtMe COUltfrDIRECTOkT. some man mralnst love fating ot)er eaty- day of the year, peace, joy and blessed time should bsdjuf if 'tteeijw gCteh. frobt DlvUlon " enter Into ths joy of Chrlstma find their abiding place. of pereoni sf responsiwaty, " ja foe matter ot tbs estate of kulriji Physicians and Surgeons the'srason to kill and buryont Notips or Sais XDfiriijv), ilriiiiMSd Bmith, Henry CemmiasioBuip of our duty to our nslxhhp in George . 4 . siRht forever old grudges and But few, of our readers, we imag- to questions touefflig the genefalvd-fr- ; IWunderstsned sill sell at private sale " estate .Ituate f real tbWlorrin Hatreds. and. beyond all, n deeper fait- !Clerk Special work done on Eye, Ear, ine, ever iive a thought to the value .. Hisop. Utah, of tbfe'paper to the community. The that faith by which moutitiUhs caake 0mty. Recorder J. ii Carrqlh. Nose aud Throat ot lots 1, T and In Block 10. as plqt art c It has ' always been a mystery honre pfper lias an Influence for rwmoywh and a truer love, a devotha tsflnthe Wansbld Townslte Plot, and AsseaSOrAGea. .W. Touag-- ' south-oacorner of talil us that a young lady shoiild make good that' (4 hard to overestimate. It that eaa hear even the feproach of tte Glasses Fitted Trehsarer-uFrauK a free. aoms poor fellow believe that she Is moutdgpuTio opinion; It does well creee. It permission ft ay tut-b- e (rat- 11 1, and.ramlns tbyooe west ono aad 4 ' S AttoxkfyPeterCiark. thence ed te ehare fn bearing a part of that yto chain khenc north chains; pffice in Summit Block, Coalville Interested in hie welfare v?b?n as a its paj in protecting and preserving harden. . ' Coffey., 1 m soutpl Slieriff-Monatter of fact she Is Interested only the government. It takes the place I Office Hours, from 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. stains 0 the place of besfnnfng, The advent of Christ makes os j Surveyor E. H, Bhetid. In bin farewell. of a stand Ingriny in tguarding the to God aad man. It Is therstor tub all of Ixts 1 and Set Block U as plot--111 Road Coin miss Joner J. T.- Lambert. AU who can should observe these Mf In said 'Waimtilp Tonaslts Blbt.vand Schools-rO- t W WiHrins. liberties'll,' the people; it teaches not for ae to qaeatlon whether o&ers ml land hours aa,near as possible; Town situated Supt. Never deny the bables Christare your.ohrtren morality, truth and love, kind to os, ay whether then ie lpt north of- Kange S east of Balt take mas! smisthy ;qwer; It brlnge 'many rich bless- and gentleness, himeekness, oar own Uvss, pr ksepndHerliflan. helpfulness is rear and water rights and lm to the homi It visits with but XittorneySrdt Law. ings 3 Us all water Dr. . (levs not With this spirit of the eswon Kovements Elmmett, appurtenant to said file financial reward for Its labors, Ust reflected the or Bfe, on made aad he after la .the tele will perpetnated. f r Krias Krlngle, or whatever name d 1 u $00 many instances not any. Christmas giving . will reaol ve Itself jiV of December, into, and written bids will he jolly Dutch saint bears In your The home H. NEELEY paper Is the mirror in Into Christ-tlkgiving every day kots te reiwived ht the restdlnee of the nnder--j ligion. Marion JJarland of which those at a dlttanoe see us. It Chrlstmnstlde te, Christmas tide d ev- lgned hi Wans hip, Utah'; taring Is thsg)lalnrduty of all who are In- ery year ef grace. Chrlat.came lot t wk upon confirmation of sale. . Gnonei Is the moat human and klnaly terested In our town to take person- he ministered ante, hat to mlalstw. te Dated Dee. 14th. ISIS. - AdmtnlstJ j- 1 aa aeons, and b fully and to erst penetrated softer, I others, al Interest in the towns paper and Ns?ler. attorney,joalytU, t 4 f. Jim dlxjt, teted wltb the feeling of human assUhlf In ' every way possible m thstrta-li: above w. :trc4 In ensytew. mely f'tT rlood, which Is tb4 ceeentJal making it a true repreeeatatlve of alm ef nmtlasr aa eaja host ask: rt ,wjp " Office Summit Blbck. J. 'hf Christianity, as the month our loMlilgetUand hospitable people eel the gratehM at Fubilic What can I give to,my Pbdeemer 4 otic e ef Sets of RaU Relate r-- ' une with sunsblns and the balmy as well as our enterprising and rap- who Auction gave himself for,, me jnd what TelepJidnei'' Office, - 56 fyeath ok roees. Oec. if. CurtU. 1 , Coalville, Utah idly developing little city. Send the can I do for others! tor his take, and ,4m "' auo-1 't&O The will ft publl6 nnderslrned Residence, ;2?UL paptrdo'yduVfriendB. brlng us the the gospels ? That la the jeincarna . ; ofdce. 'fesfl estate, Brlng th new to this Wq tWs and do ywhr duty by yoar home tioa of the Christ .spirit, aid exalts Uon.tbq following described toftfteWstate of,4fU!lse .Rlcberdl "Phone 41 Red are always glad to have our 'sub paper and. it .will meet you more Mm who said: T Aad L If I b lifted np. belonging COAZVILLE?. UTAH. Bunot, .deceh&M, being sitnatelntheOoan-- t acrlbcrs send or bring us ffk'itls 0? than half way- - When you helpyoir will draw aH men unto me.1 ' et uiMgt. Ifst el Cut, toFiti- -' news. If each on of our lafga TTst-- tiotnepaper you help your town and A tract ofJandstartmg at theSorth-ees- i ornef of 4 he nrth-ai- t readers would give ns one Item Indirectly help ourself, for we are THE GOOD aiuarter, of the 'Secret Society: COMING J1ME 144 township aeh week what a grand local paper ofHeetlpu quarter our in town - fforth bt Bangs 4 east of the Balt take alljeqyallytprested we could have. Send In anything aHu eoinmunlty. Christmas aa Isrpeet' of trier bay steridkfti. fewiWrunning north X but politics and we shall be thank ii thedce.Miitlffiibtkrees east. It rode ; When War and. Devastation Coalville Cease.'" utUUI degrilPV W mlputes West, It rodi; luU Indeed. f hail cold is rid The quicker of gotten Swnoe south, degrees weet,.W. rods; I. from the pneumonia St red to the sterling point, Let " good 'cheer reign Supreme t and kiedanfrer fat of that tot thence north other serious diseases. Mr. B. Christmas Is tentelMdirfti tolt t heres and 148 square i . r of ter waste Banish all crabbedness, meanness, W. L. whea the.svh day of Waverly, Va., says: th Hall, 4te adiotfiiitt tM south-wequarter of Meets cvcxy Wednesday evening dUieait ill tamper. Jealousy and other foul I preventable dernstatjMof oorth-wehe wrte'vni HalL Visiting Brother i jones" Djmly believe Chamberlains a :jhe Wrdf&a, of poverty which as SuSrter . , of the ,. quarter of said ahapes. , They, are out of. place at iCotigh be absolutely She our everafctoJa&e d! shall Itethedyto JnvitaL j Cofduuly tocucu any time, but more especially beat' on th market for out like some evil dream of an Igno10, the southwest quarter of the north Christmas which Is the anniversary cold preparation recommended I have a quarter of JOHN GUNN.N O. N.J.PBTBRBON.VJ3 it to rant past.' Thep, Indeed, there will t quarter, and the of the most wonderful birth, the ibuth-weJ. H. COUCH. Bccy. be ao trace of mockery . la the requarter.of Sect Ion 14. friends and with all my agree they tnnet joyous message, and the great WM. WELSH. Treasurer. sown ding professions of good will; the north of range 4 sett of the Balt take A sale For by John Boyden - cat sacrifice the world hae ever seen. me.' will tste fora la that imrtdtea. forecast poofs East Sde Main St, Coalville. Skids. realised state wherein ao Uvea are 11 so a tree? of land starting at the corner Public. Notary quarter of Section K town Crabbed and crusty ie the heart METEORS FALL EVERT HOUR seen huddled in lanps unseeaj but of foe thfo I "north, of range 4 eastof the Salt take where a k righteous plenty spreads that does not warm toward children si Slid ton; running thence north W rods IT self far aad wide; Abstracter. at Christmas, But you say you have inks; thence north degrees east, 1M rods; Tie where the heme Is pure, Occasionally One pi tuffleient Di16 minutes east, HM south Ihtwe degrees no children of your ova. What of Onlymensions Tls where the breed Is sure. Survives Passage lodsl 6 links; thence west 4S rods to the that: Other people have, and there Tie where the wants are fewer Through Air to Earth. Sorting point, containing tn all fifteen (16) are theueaads of yrphan and negleo And each want fed; eras and 10.SB square rods; located on the Where plenty sad peace abide, tad children whoee life you may quartquarter of the north-weAbstracter of Titles for Summit Meteors, or shooting stars, aa they Where health dwells heavenly eyed. er of Section 14 township 6 north of range Resident Agent Fir eman'i Fund help to. brighten with Christmas are mors generally Under $10,000.00 Bond County. have from called, toast of the Salt take meridian. Where to nooks beautiful Insurance Company cheer. the beginning of things been bombard60th Bold property will be sold on the Real Estate, Insurance, Farm Loans day Slumber the dead. of San Francisco the world at s rate estimated by 4 December, 1910, at public auction, at the To be sure the department etoree ing Oflloa at Residence, Coalville, the highest authority at maay thou(teunty Court House. In Coalville, Bummli Utah. Phone No. Bl of hour o'clock tell yon that If their goods are. pot sands sa boor, twelve the Oomty. Uteh.at of which, however, aa Important. too on dote of talc. , satisfactory you can return them, average of only live or six are visible Mrnwof sale Cash, ten U0 per cent at the Bure I But you have to pay express to the naked eye during the same ef sale and the balance upon confirmat47 (at the Shoemakers. or freight both ways and you decide period of time. Fortunately, owing to ion bhe Court. our ef very air, protecting A. A. envelope to keep them. If your home meBckot. is the Agent (or Summit Joearu of these missiles reach os. 'In else, Administrator of the estate of Louise Butter wrappers (printed) will rchants goods art not satisfactory few County for Rlefcsrd Bunot, deceased. meteors vary from a few ounces to .. you take them back and It costs ttikmf pounds be Wioj, g DeVIne. Attorneys fqr Admlnls-In weight, and It Is only charged for at this office at yon nothing. tisior. very occasionally that one 1s of the following rate: dimensions to survive the passFor '5oO Houses are scarce In our city and age of elghtyjto onehandred miles 1.25. ASSESSMENT NO. 4. t, hardly a wek passes but what there through an atmosphere Increasing la II Eor 1000 Ja.oo, are applicants for a number of density as the earth Is, approached: r orders I can dll . Send mf Climax Mining Company, princihouses. The town loses a number The speed at which they enter the atthem for yon. pal place of business, Coalville City, Coalville, of good families each year who mosphere, calculated at not lees than Utah L tab. ) , would like to locate hern if they tS miles a second, generates such toheat by friction that the Iron of coaid find houses. Those whojiave tems Nipe Is hereby given that at,a leb the meteor principally consists Millionaire (to Ma gaughter-T- cll of the Board of Directors of She means to do so would find the meeting reduced to an incaades-h- t ms, chUd that young man who wants tt.e Climax edlately CURES CURES Mining Company, held erection of a number of bouses a vapor, which Is the luminous train to marry you this Christmas, has ho on 1910, of ' November, day good paying Investment. r so frequently sees ia th heavens on a got any money? thspnd Rheumatism, Bruises, Burns, an aaahemeut ot of one clear night Th vapor rapidly cools, Mias Innooenoo Money, father? Stiff Joints, NeuralgiX c Where Is the man so happy as the and condenses in torn ot these minute Why. he has Just given me a cluster cenVeFsbare was levied, and Lame Back, Oats, wOtTf said on the Capital Stock of nn who applies himself to manual particles, which assume the spherical diamond ring ktudded with pearls! WalWounds. to form as A. D. Haa ke know. does I shot Its Millionaire Tae, Sprains, Etc., corporation, payable tall from during labor? Where Is the home so happy the of th towr, Flnaqi', thi ffttle say money left? in Coalville City, Utah, on or top ton, as the one wtiere each member of spheres are scattered before December 22nd, l9iO. Any by the winds and the household feels, at the close of currents tn the npper regi stock upon which said assessment -Christmas Omens. the day,- that they have performed gradually descend tn their ml! Mma shall remain unpaid on the said some at least of the many duties de- an iavtslble but Happy end prosperous will be the shower, d babe horn at Christmas; Strand Magaslne. and December 22ad, 1910, will be adverPrico volving upon them? There may be Try it y la that married then; tised for sale at pnbilo auction, and happy theride a clash some day between capital 25c, 50c Get tho aad tt la very lucky for Christmas te onIe4 payment is made before, will ' and labor. Should this period ever and $1.00 tall oat a Monday. It is good to glvo be sold on January 23rd, 1910, at I Geouino. eome, the hope Is that labor, with Every family has need of a good, gifts of assay kinds at this season; oclock, I Per m. of said day, to pay Refuse all thejBonqucring tread of a hero, will reliable liniment Fdr sprains, sore- but let no housewife, be she the moot the raidp. assessment Bottle. delinquent Imitations. trample beneath Its heel the power ness, bruises on the' muscles and frah handed woman la the thereon together with the ousts of I that has, to a considerable extent, rheumatic pains there ia none bet- throw or gtve away ashes or salt beBALLARD SNOW UNDENT CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. and expense of sale; advertising fore breakfast oa Christina morning. made labor laborious. We are all ter than Chamberlains. Sold by A bright Christmas D. A. Waltok, Sold ommandad v laborers in oar little city. monads bright Nov. John Boyden A Son. Bold by Haw Tsar, aad may thin a, i Secy, and Trsas. Boyden A Sob. a MbaigJaqt r ar, ay da' A f ! and heats Wm berry caught ia her hair! tfb' O. 1 1. CHT.NKf CO--t- . Totod. Cbrocv ton know ad Wmt km onpteW aoMiMMiy tor nt for-lJ- (ioc h"in R1 Eulprit A mistletoe s llj-n- for 73 cenbkat Dolan tom lor HI loo envelopes mM an man M cun bf Hl I I n ttN - m- - f tmt salary of hihI rmt hui.uingia of barkeeper, j theiuH i bef..r- the bar ami 21 Itt, f "f hi left g hnirttlt of leto H7muiiI tfi-- n tilt, wife he. ' W . ofiroiu eminent , Jlnsm-l.- Tottr return card printed on 4 Cbt e etf. c ttnpr'iit"n .uul -- 5 e, Wm-'i ll a me Httl e'!..e In hat f who ript.nn (In ad"fti ce) th fe'iow h: M One '. IlfHkey, Wouidher.L', rf:i vi.,t ( W tut rf t " KSON. - j The outjnit f"i Jiiihurr In i . r Editor the manufai-.'! d timateil h1 717 .Friday. I.i J. r Timcf ny irK,,,. One tilery cm i fervn day l.f 4 tucly tui us out d-- " ! t' . , flat , y , . , p . white-beard- jliaxil-futnes- JJl s fc DrOrWi French 'J- - mi r' - . to-w- ti . t ' st -- . . .1 hn pneandM-lOOcfalnsj.ihen- fibt-or- s 1 - - 1 tt!r - I - W. R. land-Bal- I I ;:P: 1 e Physician ajid Surgeon 1 rf ' xnom&e, 1 - I . I i t , -- I loutli-We- U.S: st A- Lodge No. 28, 0. O. BO V &' .it it:---- j st south-we- - st F. j For the man who'dires I - st nprth-we- town-vlf- sl north-we- Barber'Shop.'. st v-r BEDELL ol st C. R. JONES, - Notary Public eutb-we- st V I X 1. Edward H. Rhead st Mary Ann B Clark 1 I pyI suffl-clea- - one-foar- sPi th d, d -- never-endin-g long-live- To-da- I f I I - - r L I ( 2a DW 1 |