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Show T V iiBiife TODAY COALVILLE TIMES N. JACOB PETERSQN, Editor and M a u&ger, , , COALVILLE PEdPLEWlLt OfFlClALyiEPRT UTAH STATE NEWS f j A branch of the "Boy ScouU ia t organized at Provo. Parker PetTyaged 17, injured at Willard, by being throw n from a horse, died In an Ogden hoepltaf without TSaining consciousness. The surveyor-genera-l is to be grants' an Increase of 1 1,500, for clerk hire, according to the treasury" estimates sent to congress. It has been decided to close down the woolen mills at Provo, but it Is believed the mills will again be in ' operation within a month. Every reputable architect in Utah vrtii have a chance to enter the competition for the designs and plang for Balt Lakes new high school. Aa enthusiastic meeting ass held at Murray on Wednesday, when plans were adopted for the purpose of hold tng a Weekly market day iu that town. Work has commenced on the new Weber club building at Ogden, Weber County's Commercial club, with which the leading men of the county are af- - e: n listed. The record was made for distance fas driving the Strawberry tunnel due In November, when 500 linear feel were driven. This makes a total length f tunnel driven to date 10,19tT feet Alexander Du Plus, who was tabbed to death la Willows, CaL, by man whom, it Is alleged, he was tempting to rob, Is stated to have for merljr been a resident of Salt Lake aty. ffler Hill, for thirty six years, sldent of Bingham and one of the saost prominent residents of the camp, Eled at the Elmerton hotel, of which be was the proprietor, at noon December 7. In the treasury estimate sent to congress the official estimates fpr the assay office in Salt Lake are cut 5250 from the amount appropriated last year. The decrease Is In the salary of the aasayer iu charge. It Is rumored that the farmers of Box Elder county are practically all Ia favor of the move of the Weber county farmers wherein they consider It advisable to organize to better protect products of the farm, A Box REAU SHOWS POP' r a Kx I Washington. There are 101, 190.000 people in the United St3tes and Its possessfons, According io the report, of the esnaus buarau, made public on Saturday. This Includes not only the tahs but the Philippines, Samoa, Guam, Hawaii, Alaska and.tbpJanama canal zone. In the Philippines are 7c 835,426 people. . Within its borders on the North an'cpnthent, exclusive of States has a population of 91,972,266 inhabitants. In the last tsn years the states of the UnlAn $aHn Increase In population of 15,977,891, which amounts to 21 per cent over the 1900 figures, Since the first census as taken In 1790J the, counity has grown twenty-fiv- e Qmel "aa lffrge, the' population then having bee 3,92914, i slightly larger than the present' population of Texas. ' Tba po puiatios ol the - sis - geographic divisions Is: New England, middle Atlantic, "19.315,892; east north central. is,250,6pl; west north central, 1, 63721; (ftth Atlantic, 12,194,895; eaBt south central, 8 409,901; west south central, 8,784,-524- ; Pacific, 2,633,617; mountain, 8.192,308. The population of the northSecern section, 65,757,118 tion, 29, 389,330; western section, Alas-Valte- j -- ' jp J i m the growth of the states, ranging from an an actual decrease of 5.6 increase of 120 per eent, ifluweyte of Washington showing the greatest inA crease. The states which show an lnease' exceeding 30 per cent are, with the exception of New Jersey and Florida, all in the west, and make up a belt comof the area of-- the prising one-thirUnited States. South Dakota, Colorado and Utah had increases between- - 30 and 50 per cent, while North Dakota, Wyoming, Oregon, Nevada, Callforma, New ,Mexico and Arizona increased , between 60 and 100 per cent, and Idaho and Washington more thai 100 per cent There Is a d wide dlpariy , Pa-lfi- e x Me-Aile- d n 'the Jbix Majority Declare j Work of as Most Progressive, While 1 Thera Are 91,97266 JnhabitaeU of United States,' Whil Residents of ' Ameriean Xoleniee Brings Total up to 101,100,000. Elder county farmer has sued an Ogden Implement Arm for $2,000 damages, because of failure to deliver to him a reaper which he had purchased, la time to.J)gyyest his see-son's crop of alfalfa seed. 8RAT1L KILL OFF MUTINEERS. are being completed Arrangements StewwCse-crelarof 6i Overwo Hundred WPe . Led Revolt L tab Tvcmr Growers association, for (Either Slain or Wounded. ( the annual convention of tbs sheep Janeiro. After an artillery enRif n and the special excursion to gagement which lasted throughout the to meetnational the attend ej1and da.4 mutinous naval battalions on ing. Cobra, island surrendered Saturday With the Idea of aupplylng the mac The rebels were almost annihibets of Utah with a better class of nlght lated, losing more than 200 killed And eggs, the state food and dairy depart- wounded. ment is going to make some investiThe seditious movement It fs begations and get out soma recommen- lieved, has now been throttled, but dations to maks to the coming legts the senate voted to declare & state of lature. siege for thirty days. A scheme is on foot which will probFanatics Fssr Not Maxim Guns. ably result in the building of a railroad through the Ki&bab national for Calcutta. Serious fighting between est of southern Utah and northern rival religious factions broke out SatArizona - by eastern capitalists, - and urday -- morning. Several of the comthe sale by the forestry department batants were killed and many were ln-oL someth LngJike.. 500.00 0,00 (Lleet. ot ,Jured,!,TrQopa.were ft oaUr. calledjout lumber from the reserve. and a Maxim gun trained on the fight The officers of the Utah A Grand era, but the fanatics were not die Canyon Railroad company announce mayed and were only routed after sev-- that. work will begin aa soon as the eral charges by the soldiers, weather permits. The survey shows Appropriate $7,000,000 In an Hour. line from Msrysvsle, on the Denver A Rio Grande, to the Grand canyon, Washington.- - The house disposed of uud a line running from Lund on the the rivers and harbors bill, passing the Balt Lake Route through St. George measure submitted by the committee to Searchlight,, Nev., where R will In record time and without amendment. Money was appropriated at the connect with the Santa Fe. Frank Colvin, aged 50, while work- rate of $7,000,000 an hour. ing on the 1,800 level of the Iron Guests Hava Close Call. Blossom st Eureka, taking out timMinn. The Brunswick Minneapolis, Into fell a winze 35 bers, feet deep. Colvins Injuries are s&ld to be inter- hotel, located at Hennepin avenue and nal and It Is believed that he Is not Fourth street, was burned to the ground Saturday night Loss, 140,000. likely to recover. The hotel was filled with guests, but A circular just Issued by the Autosll got out in safety. mobile Club of Utah shows that the principal danger spots, such as bad Hero In Dire Poverty. railroad crossings, dangerous deCaL George Smith, one of scents, gateways and sudden turns in theOakland, Immortal six hundred that rode pulblo highways, have been rendered In the charge of the light brigade at lose dangerous to the motorist by th the battle of Balaklava, Is now at the of of signs placing warning. of 84, seeking charity from the Owing to the spread of scarlet fever age and other contagious diseases In Og- Oakland authorities. den, and the constant reports of viola-tton- s .Alleged Oil Land Frauds. of the sanitary laws of the city, Los Angeles, Cal Suit was filed by the Ogden health "department has de- the federal government In the United cided to start a crusade against all 8tates circuit court here Saturday atpersons or places in any way retacking the title of the Southern sponsible for the spread of disease. railroad to 6,100 acres of oil lands The health commissioner of Salt In Kern county, valued at $10,000,000. Lake City will ask for an appropriation to be used as u bounty for the More Die In Woods Than on Gridiron. destruction of tats In the capital city, accidents Pittsburg. Fatal claiming that the rodents are s men- in Pennsylvania withhunting the season not ace to the public health. He advocates a bounty of 10 cents for the de- yet ended, already equal the number of deaths in football In all forty-sistruction of each rat states of the country this falL Wilford Bergstrom, an oiler st the Illinois Bank Fofia. plant of the Utah Copper Milling com pany at Garfield, was hurled against .Decatur, 111. The Far: nd a door and seriously Injured shout the chanica bank of Macon, to head sndbodjr, when a piston rod open follow Ing a run, .Thejp Utution,. broke, causing the cylinder head of a private bank, has been e ated for one of the big engines to blow out L. Hlght forty years by J. L. ..That the dread of disgrace which There are deposits of firJ.000. uld follow the discovery of a short-XiIlfornla, Earthquakss In his accounts prompted S. E. o earthquakes San Cal.1 Jose, Union Pacific depot agent were tli Slide. to take his own life, the reported by col seismograph at t Clara Sants Lege observatory Vo be the accepted theory Saturday the first -- at 2:35 st seemed a mysterious early oclock, wjilch was ver; slight, and the second at 3.05. X " tutional'convention.;2 Okta-WToia- - PASA AJPOfi CONS Tit I y t 1 NOW WORK. OE ARIZONA Jq5uiutTcr 1 wnll nlkrr rfm the health f a aatlaa thaa ha Ha r4er. MIX -AON. Thousands of people wlifc are suffering with colds are- - abouf AtodaW Toiuoi row may be prostrated with penuuionia. they in nnne of .prevention M orth apound of cure. Get a 23 cent hotfle ol Mon-yos Cold Cure at the nearest diug atore. , 1 his battle may be court uiently vest earned in the poAet. If ou are not satisfied with the effects of the remaend us your empty bottle and we ade, will refund vour monev. Mum ons Cold Cure will speedily break up all forms of colds and. .prcvcal grirpe and pneumonia. It checks discharges of the nose and ees - aai ' stops neezmg,Havw-infiammatiofever, and tones up the system. If you need Medical"' Advice, write to Munvons Doctors, They will earefully diagnose vour rase and advise you by mail,. absolutely free. Prof. Munyon, 53d and Jeffereon streets, . Philadelphia, Pa. Phoenix, Arij.-j-Jbeconvention pfj wArjziml ; qdjojirne sine die at 3:44 oclock Friday after- - -- noos,- - n daya and finally adopting a constitution, designed tjy the majority members fthdied fis the most progressive evef and by the minority as the most Socialistic. ofenLangdon One RepuMiCftB-OBiand, ho. Of GtePef-ntgo- eo eyte lasted -which, -was given several minutes when he attached his sighatuta. One Democrat, Ellenwoodl LAW of Blsbee, declined to sign, explainT THE AMELIA FOLSOM YOUNG ing his position on the final toll call Vthat he voted with the opposition because he believed the recall as apwould destroy Woman Who Aided Famous' Lesdsrk jjrt Grants the Grayer of Govern-Jinff- lt plied to the judiciary courts of the the of th independence .to Restrain. Corporations Early StruggtasHn Utah 'SuO-of the disapproval invite i state and I from .Violating Sherman Law. Cumbs to Paralysis. it President Taft Tuthlll of Greenlee Before I began using Cases rets I had i county was the Only other Democrat bad S complexion, pimples on my face, 'constitution, who voted - against the ' Folses Salt Lake City. Amelia Plijadelptya Tbe Vnjted States clr-fa- but he signed It Langdon was also and my food was not digested as it should have been. - Now I am entirely well, and court for the eastern district of .the Young, widow" of President Brlgksh only Republican who voted for It the pimples have sll disappeared from my decided Thursday on ' Young,' antF One of the best knrXiiylvan,a the final vote being 90 to 12. face. I can truthfully say that Cascarets women 'In the United States, died fas- I Vt there Is no general' conspiracy are just as advertised; I have taken only FOHTGnE FOR CHURCH, the anthracite coni carrying t two boxes of them. day at her home In this city. At her bedside at the time of jib reals op coal companies - to restrain Ind, Sheridan, Clarence Gridin, jL Million and. Halt was a notable group of men and tu- - goamerce, to monopolize the trade, or Mrs. .,Eddy Leaves Good. Taate Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, did th Bulk,, of Which Goes to the Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. en, a hose lives and doings, along vith tssialntain certain prices, but it Iron Church. fcdtife Science 10c.25c, 50c. Never aold in bulk. The genuthe that company Christian , Temple of to the early dip hers, date back ine tablet temped C C C. Guaranteed to of .anthracite coal"a . POmblnatjoB. 2 Mormonism. . cure or your money back, Boston. The will ef Mrs. Baker G. " Deatb was due to a fatal fora of rin$ railroada In, violation of the Eddy, the founder of the Christian Free prellmln-r- v ,nr Invention. anti-trus- t law, , search. Booklet f rev. Ml paralysis which .had.- -, been creeping ern1an Science church, will not be filed for a unit, hie.Vk.Nh the of w to,St,h,wah J m Dearborn steadily upon her for three yeat fob F'he court granted the prayer probata for several days, but It was Kl Ulb bC, Waeliintpun, Chicago. restrain-tblean for Injunction the pvernment lowing a stroke which tempdrarijdis authbrlfatlvely stated Friday that may brtnf TOI that corporation from continuing fortune amouhts to $1,500,000, and BITCVT TOrR IDEAS. TbyFree f her. Km.. IHtQ, fA I LH I wealth. b4pae Book Amelia FolsomYoungwaa bwn st dilations of the act. Thd summand that after some bequests are paid to piU$er$ld 4 Co.. PatJUtfa. Bo? K W$AbiogunLl)4i wins la the that government Buffalo, N. Y., August 3, 1888. Skews abstance members of her household, the bulk Chri-tiao of several points,' that In thd of the married to President Brigham loung property is given to the PERFUME FAVORED BY QUEENS on January 24, 1863, having beet ac- Temple IroB oompaoy case, and that Science church. .. A (declaration that the government quainted with President Young since, the defendants will not be compelled Royal Family of England Remain as a child of five, her future bban8f change the prewnt price of coal, of the Christian Science church, unFaithful to JEss Bouquet-Czar-had held her on his knee, im f - i board of directors, wllT conthe der Violet. Fond Ina of White Is to Plana Settlers. Help u I ! Jdoved by his Infatuation for tbk tinue according to the Ideas of Mrs. Washington. Representative Frank Mary Baker G. Eddy, was made pubbeautiful and Intelligent wonaaxp FT Queen Mary Is not a lover of perIdent Young built the famed sAraeta W. Mpndell of Wyoming, chairman of lic by the five directors, following the fume. She uses eau de cologne 00c a, Introfirst meeting of the board since Mrs. sionally, hut avoids scents aa much palace, filled It with beautiful thlsp the public lands committee, a on Wednesday house In duced the I and placed bis wife tn-l- t b as possible. A west end chemist told ,EddyS death. ) all its beauties. There the feigned joint resolution extending the tjme of the writer recently that neither Is GAINS. SHOW8 GREAT certain homesteaders to establish resigoodly woman, using her lnflaeh Queen Alexandra Tery fond of 'perail duectlons to the bettering of thup dence upon their lands, owing to Jme of fumes, although she remains faithful 8hows Returns population Census In Utah. With the death of Brigh drouth Of last season. The Jdlnreao-lutloto the Ess Bouquet,- - which has Utah to be 373,351, Awhile Wvom- to tor the benefit of hoyfestead-o- f Young In 18T71,' shb.sold fhe 1'Atn UBe . been in by the" royal famljy of "jpg Has 145,965. this class in - North I Dakota, J . .lid since 1822. This perfume Is bought the old, forty paSace.nd England Mon-onnth Dakota, Idaho, Nebraifoa, hpmo at No. 6 fouib Ffrsi TP Washington. Thq census bureau on composed of anfbeh tnlxed "with the Colorado, Utah,, Wyoming and Frldaymadq publje the census figure essences of Toses, violets, " jasmine ' I spent the rdmiridfertOriajV the territories of Arizona, and New for Utah. Tile1 com,.T sfoiwi' that orange flowers and lavender. , ( BANKER CORBIN8 Bob FOUND. Mexico, i ,, . , ' j Utah has 373,351lihabl(ants. an in- essence of roses, jasmine. violets, X? 1 ,i t iv I crease of 96,602, or $4.9 per eent over On the other hand the Uzarlna T8 Became Lost White on Minting TUp Engine Plunged Into Lake. 276,749 t in 1900. The Increase from passionately fond of pert dme. Her and Died From ExhjfrstionJ Seattle. A Northern .. Pacific , pas- 1890 to 1900 was 65,970, or 31.3 per the royal palace are r j apartments 4 l i Boise, Ida. After a sercb lasting senger train, bound from Vancouver, cent. dally sprayed with essences ol'lifac, The returns by bounties show that Jasmlne. 'hnd White violet. Her' "Mathree weeks, the body of E, Cr B. C., for Seattle,' barely Escaped swept Into Lake Washinsrton by a Salt Lake bounty has made the most jestys favorite essence Is violet,1 and-fo- r bln, the Boise, banker, was found y, two ranchmen at a spot wherCqr-bin'- landslide which tore out 500- feet of noteworthy gains. The population for several weeks in the early spring miles the city of Ogden la given at 25,580.1 sixteen on shore lake the hundreds .of women and girls may pe party camped when Ley first sgt track Wednesday. The out to hunt elk. The camp ia only out The census bureau Also, announced seen qt, Graqse .gathering the bljs- - t twelve miles from Big Springs, Ma. engine of the train stuck its nose into the population of the state of Wyom- soms, from, wplch ,the Czarina's permud and stones, ing. The count showed for that state fume fs made. The finished product The two men who fount the re- the moving mass Into the lake, where 145,965, an incfease of 53,43 br 57.7 Is tested, bottle by' Pottle,' it the St mains were members of one of tint and yen dumped posses that has, been 'searching ' fod It lies half pqbmerged In the water per cent over 82,531 in '1900.' From Petershung ..Academy, of 3 Chemistry Corbin.- - They wore - soowshoee aai Ncl one .yes. Injured... aqrvavAkVi 1899 .to. 1900. the Increase was 29,97S before,. .being .sent, tp thq Imperial ,, ... bad been hunting in places far from of. 47.9 per cent 4 store.. ! .iii' .: Macon Doubts Peary's Story. the traH. They reached the road The Queen Mother of $paln uses, as ( AEROPLANES FAVORS DICKINSON he Representative JJfiacOn 4r- - perreumeeau despagneL manufactvied again afa spolTwhtre"-thiinting Washington t I When trouble threatens of Arkansas In "Madrid, and. also, dbtarns a had and party there lay the camped, Recommends Appropriation for queBtlon ot honorlllB Captain R. E fume for her toilet Xrom. Parla. Its body, badly mutilated by wild animals. . Model Machlnes. est e ! The body of .the horse was close In Peary comes up 0,1 th composition la a secret, which the Washington. As. jtjlfihl" Jsave - beet perfump ,eau espagne, manufactured that of his master and had been partV"house. Macon Is I member of the naval affairs committee, which .has expected after bis personal flights it made, he says, of rosewater, cocoa-pu- t devoured by wild beasts. s rear aeroplanes In France," 'Secretary "Dickoil, and the rest ia a mystery." Corblu was last seen on November before It a bill to make-PearIs no inson cbmes'odt 111 hi anriftal report admlraL-Mac- on contends there The young-i Queen of . Holland ,1s a 19, when he left Harry Lamsrton, a of eau fellow hunter, near Reas Pass, telling more proof that Peary discovered the with a ktrong Indorsement of th fly- great believer in a recommendawith . the and and Cook Dr. If than machine, de had, Sylvia, ing Lambertoa that he proposed to remain pole cologne; whUe; Cqrmen out through the night, hoping to get ommlttee reports the measure he tion to congress Tbr" an'kpproprlation Queen of Rouipanlar uses a special reatrill fight It to thelagt ditch. to provide the signal corps With a from the flnes herbs, an elk. perfum number of the 'better typo of which she says "Is the best tonic for sonable Wets.' Defeat the Women Fall to Th e skimie" h a?Tef "disco vered . machines Cyelone In Spain. Wash. In the "Washington and flelff'wtrkrHe 1 ei MW Wie1 far f1 Seattle. Madrid. Spain has been visited by Tuesday, that the United States was the first When a woman refuses a man and s second cyclone, more severe thaa cities where women voted the seem to have Ignored liquor nation officially to recognize the aero- he takes to, drink, its a question, that which swept the western portion they Besides Anacortes.where ihether he Is tryihg to drown his of the country a few days ago. Many question. plane for military purposes and conhundreds of women voted and "wet ducted at Fort Meyer In 1908 the flrst-yhave been persons j killed or Injured were chosen, the navy yard and the low lying districts are flood- officialsof Charleston went wet In public flight of a heavier than air matown ed. Lower Seville la submerged and chine, yet it has since that date made of organized efforts of the W. C. it Is feared the entire city will be un- spite ti marshal the women, of whom no addition to its aeronautical equipment. .whicl der water shortly. - A railroad bridge 212 voted. resqnt consists- ol, V.r. T J? A 4 one small zdirigibie balloon, one at Alcala haa been destroyed and nusmall and three Wfight " aeroplane, merous villages are In a critical situaCampaign Contributions. f ., tion. Railroads have been washed Washington. The Republican con- captive balloons." ' j j , away at Caceres, Aranjuez, Castillo, Live Lizard In GlriStqrtipch. gressional committee received $77,461 Sastileja, Vllasea and Malaga. and disbursed $74,373, while the DemCleveland. A live Kzard, six inches' ocratic congressional committee to Death- In length, and the head of another -disbursed and $27,771 $27,700 tlzard. waa discovered la tholorngeh j CaL Hurled from his auto Salinas, as It skidded and turned a complete during the recent campaign, according of Miss LdVtrf Hertnan,' 19 yWn 'o'W, tU ports filed Thursday . with the who died f SatutaajS,Jlt ia f upposed.the somersault, Lend&l Morton Gray, pre to T IU, D7J U Ident of the Cosmos Steamship com- clerg of the house of representatives. girl swallowed the lliaras'whhn small and that they gradually grew,, and. pany, was killed on the road two miles J, Phyiician Charged With Grave Crime killed her. south ot Gonzales. . "was SaLita Rosa, CaL A jury swim Five Thousand Mounted Rebeta. J. R. Maxwell is Dead. in Wednesday for the trial of Dr. Wildi New York. J. Rogers Maxwell, for- lard I P - Burke, - an aged physlcia n Douglas,. Ariz. Aeeur-cion the from Santo rect liD4his atate, Tomas, mer president'bf the Central railroad wider known eighteen of New Jersey and a leading yachts- chnrgte of haying dynamited the teat miles north of GueTryf oyi?yata That; InHiari n his sanitarium grounds 00 the rebel forcef operating jn that" dla man, died suddenly of cerebral aposomepod paade mb Miss Lotta Smith and her trict now plexy st blr borne la Brooklyn Sunday ffnptTS,09i Gomrrtad toserve right men, all equlutad and 1 unted. child. , night He was 64 years old. Xi -- n on OEW.Y'P ANTI-TRUS- ?- , Bad BLOOD ! it Ut -- d I , n , i ! n vVe 1 1 , ( be-lh- g s 1 -- 1 A! y the-.ylrtn- 4 .Gives Breakfast ' .y, ripest, and 7 rxiiiuTiiRelish d Post rjir -- ' e j iunti Hi of er Hunting Assidsnts In Mains, Boston. WitlT the hunting season still four days to run In Maine and of --a number ot accidents still uncertain, the death list in 1910 in New England ndmbers eighteen. - Gallagher May Escape Trial. New York. Five alienists subjected James J. Gallagher, ' who shot Mayor Gaynor, to a mental test of three hours on Sunday. If the expert opinion shows that Gallagher is mentally unsoundJte will noc he iried. Election ContesL Id jMqn&na. liylana Attack Peruvijns. f " to die Peru. According Libby, Mont The electjBotyf P.'N. received here, Bolivian forces Bernard as representative; J.y, CuffA ' 1 and attacked the Peruvian fw attorney; Samuel Xar pen tei,1 ou n at Guayabal on the Bolivian ty clerk and recorder, all Repuh; 1 ana Many Peruvians were killed is being contested, proceedings being ed. Peruvian troops have started Friday. ed to the scene. I For Rivera and Harbors, ral Johnstone Dead, Washington. A total of $2i;S9g,sBt sa, Ala. General George in cash for 1912 appropriations, and pe, one of the last eurviv-irat- e $9,514,363 for contracts authorizes ffor generals of the civil the years subsequent to 1912, is car'nS coot, t his home here on. Wed-7- ried in the rivers and harbors I IT ye war, diet years ported to the house hv the com- -' ted. nesday, ai from the box with cream artd sufar. Llf " I 9 T a 'TU ' ntTOUCT, Delicions T Ecoaomical 1 - 4 e Memory Linkers o v ' ST i Portnm OreM Company, U4 IOA. 7 |