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Show Tij'inan who harhora a resentful ' ''viIIiik airalust some otier man eaiy Jfiot enter lulo thn Joy of t'lirlsluias. II I the fi nm Id kill anil Imry mil ' ofalirht forever otil grudges ami liatrwU. ' " always heen a myatory tj f us dial a youiiK lady aliuliltl ' make J ammo poor If Mow believe tl al ah In f Interested In hit welfare vtrii a matter of fan! she la Interested only f In lila farewell. Neverdnnytlinbnhlne'ttiolrChrlHl- """Vf "'- inaal It la llio BhiiilutMitsKaiil. iioii a vear ol hnppliii.es4"J.ril;tur:fji tit,. I Neva In Hanta Claim, or Hi. Nrrlii.las I r Krlaa Krlnitlo, or whatever i.ain. I ha Jolly Unicli aalnl beare lu your ( llKlon. Marion larlnmd j aot ' ""' human ami kindly l - j aeons, aa fully penetrated ami J"--.-, M Ji" iS'atoirt with the feeling of hnmart 7 .ttlttfthood, which I III essential nntrtt Of Christianity, aa Ilia mouth 1 of J una with sunshine and the balmy f Jyeath at roses. Wro. .V. i'urti: J ' Drliia; th nawi to thii utlioa. W( ara alwaya xlait lo hare 'our 'iiili- yr aerluara amil or brlim ua ffWifia oV J nnwa. If aaoli one of our lata f a1 raailra wnulil klva ua una ltm f each wk what a K'khiI loval paptir urn ooulil liato. Haiul In anythlOU .jf polllloa ami we aliall he thank.. vT f fill, Intlmxl. jr lt gooil uliaer ruUm aupriminl I ItaiiUh all orabliuilmiaa, innaimeaa, ill ton.por. Jwalouay ami other foul z aliauea. They are out of place at f any tlnir, but more vapKolally .at J " (Uirlalmaa wliluh la Ilia annlveraary (,v f the moat womlirful birth, tin- ( '" ' tmwl Jnyoua meaMKKo. ami thKrnat I I al aaurlllea the worlil haa ever ai.au. I I I'rahhed ami cruaty la the htart J . that loua not warm toward clillilrnu i at t.'hrlaimaa. Hut you aay you have I j ' no ehlUrea of your own. What of v I 1 bat: Other people hare, ami thiTe Ar i are thuuaamla of vrphan ami iiokIih'- (I f toil children whoae life you may U 10 l,r'K'a"u wltl' I'liriatmaa ' ! 1 heer. 1 11 I I Toheauretlie dnpartuuiiit atorna . s JT """I aatlffaotory you can return them, j j ' ' ' ( Hurel Hut you have to pay expreaa J ,.' y r frelulit both waya and you deolde )' , . to keep them. If your home umr- 'ti 1 ' 1 I'haufa bimkU are not aatlxfactory Vi 1 V you take thorn back and It coata ' ;.'- I ' 1 you mitlllliK .1 V , ' 1 . I . llouaea ara araroo III our ally and . : 1 y -T hardly a week paiaua but what there ' ' ' ' "V wr l)l,"l''' tr number of ''-.'' '.J liouaaa. The town loaea a number i . . ' f E f good famlUee each year who .. '. ,. . .' i , , ) would like to locate here If they ' ' f t oiiuld And houHi.a. Thoae who have ,'-':' ' '., fcJ t,, " ' would find the 1 ' ' i-1'. (y erection of a number of houaea a ', 1 '. ' . i.'jjf K"d payluK iiiTeatment. j ' . v' I I I Where la theinauao happy aa the .-, j 1 I one who appllea hlmaelt to manual I I I laborT Where la the home ao happy ' I 1 aa the one where each member of I ' ' j J the houaehold feela, at the cloae of X? prn j the day, that they have performed Homo alleaat of the many diitlea de- I I 1 voIvIiik upon ilium? There may be I rlaah aome day between capital I ' ' I 1 and lalMir. Should tlila period evr ' I I j oome, the hope la that labor, with the ooii(iierliiK tread of a hero, will I trample heueath Ita heel the power T ij I rlr, ' ooualderablo extent, V "f I II f made labor laborloua. Wa are all ', i . ) laborer! in our little city, ' 5 r . ' 1 oe d i fc"yn ';;; I f .... Tl- inf., ' "" till le I-.W ale. I I'' " " '" idll'lHIi: IIMiap..r'lll'"ilicli.ir)fe. K'.v- Urni ..n lli" 'II f li.v lf b.. I per. "' 1 I '''I' "' lell-"lm.'l Itlin ii.e .t.ef,.-. 1'ieii.l .1" I Mr !i,,.i.,,n. .. h I-.-. ..i ii.7i.. .,,,..11,... - .... i 1 I.-. lie I.. , , . iii ;.. I l A . .1 , .,i.ir ai ! I'e , mine i i il ,n..i,. will lre. I Nea.'v ! "ly, IJ and ymi'iir. ,. T i .,',r ! 'I mrwt. I I', I I- r. I'en i .l. look' liHKHiirly i,.r'ir. the nr. at f ailveday. I ll.n'ii :ne tl.e hr,. 'liter fur It, ami i'V Iriilv. 'nl.'lei'ie, laurel, apruce Uii.i I'lne n,:h wl.leh we decorate our rooma roflnot amneof that bright In.K In llielr vhee'jr red anil gloaay I i-i eii, W 1 1 li all I he itiembara of the minlly, from tl.e little, child which ith woinloriiiK '"a (faiea upon the loyeterliiiii., whlto-la'ardei Hanta I.Taii to the viMierBhle,.itraiidalre whoae head '"allver-d hy many viulera, R- ailuoa n i'l hope reln anpreiiie. It la the day lieyon I nil other tlaya fur family reuniinia, ami the ktlfta which the meiuliera 1(1 ve eaeii other ar the lltiliiir olfurliiKa ol allncll.in. Ilapy lathe liiime In which on llirlatmaa Day and every day of the year, peace, Joy and ! find their nhlilliiir place, J It ii I , .four readera, we Imaif Ine, e . ve a thought totlievalue of tills piijier to the ciimmiiiiity. The homo p:er hm an Inlliiunce fur irnod Hint l hard to overcallmate. It imiiild?piiff)ic opinion; it doea well Ha par; In protectliiK and preaervliiK the Koveriiihein. It takea the place of a Mlaiiilintf'Mriiiy In guarding the llherilea of, tlj people; It l-ai lien your oliV'tfeti ni'iraliiy, truth and power; It brliiKa iimuy rich hteaa. liiKa to the hme it viaita with hill little llnaiiclnl reward for llalahora, and I.l too many iuataucea not any. The home paper la the mirror In whlcS thoa.t at a dlatanne aee ua. It la the ilaln' duty of all who ara In-tereaU'd In-tereaU'd In our Uiwn to take peraon-al peraon-al Intoreat in the town' paper and aaalat.lt In (Very way poulble , In lliaklig It a true repreaealatire of our Injelllffelitand hoapltabla people aa well aa our enterpriaing an l rapidly rap-idly developing little ol'y. Hand the paptirou'your Vrlemla, bring ua tha rrewe and doymifdufy by your home paper ami it will meet you more than half way. When you helpyo ir 'tioine paper you help your town and Indirectly help youraitlf, fur we are "l"lu". Jntornatiid In our town arid community. |