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Show NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids Will bs received at the of-I of-I fices of Woods & Jensen Architects. I Suite 724 BCCleS Building. Ogden. T'tah I until noon August 1 022. for the erec tlon and completion of the Weher gym-nesluni gym-nesluni flans and specifications mny be oi.t.ilned from the above mentioned of- i flee upon payment of $25 deposit Inch bid must be accompanied by n certified chock for f h e S per renl I per cent of the totsl amount of the bid. I Knch contractor will be required to furnish a surety bond In the amount of fifty (50 per cent) per cent of the total nrnmint of his bid. Bids must be sub-divided for various portions of the work ns follows ill roncrete work, plain and reinforced (2) Brick work, terra cotfa, tile com-posltlon com-posltlon floor p. I (J) Carpenter wtrk. mill work, structural structur-al steelr. hardware, light Iron work, rool and gin.ss. (4) Galvenlsed iron and tin work, io) riusterlng. (O Painting. : ( 7i Electrical work i . i Plumbing (9) Mealing and ventilating. The board reserves Ihe right to rejret i an oi ! ii proposals BOARD ok EDUCATION. KB1R NOK MAI. ' ol.l.nCD 9611 |