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Show uu ;4b arrange ft A. C. OUTING flflthe farmers' encampment I ginning at s o'. lock on the Mwuly 2fi ind 'on in nine un-fTfccluslf un-fTfccluslf lncludir.fr Induing ItMUng contests. baseball fjg&Orseshoe pitching 'cims. Zlsed and adopted a; the Hi nlghi of t It- ' : , I , h : -''fcee of th" Weber county jjjjl held ;r h- : 1 r . ' b H'.d- Djgknounced last night that UTBd Parley Taylor of ria'n ilsanter the horseshoe pltn.-(fcfio pltn.-(fcfio be held on Saturday JOrln Farr park it t". o'clock Kjso import -.; t ha '. Norl h "wleaaant View would also ifcE From the winners are MJthe nun to represent th'. jbe contcs, during th n- ttm social features for the Jr, Weber county were dis-jjAranged dis-jjAranged FTm? wen out-" out-" Itirtlllii the V, eher county a unit wherever the gen- Would alio u . Jiswy of Rlverd il reported 'of the residents of that Ijyend the encampment. |