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Show PAINS ACROSS SMALL OF BACK Husband Helped in Housewor. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Made Her Strong Foster, Oregon. "I used Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound for llllllilllLlilllllllllllpa'nd across tho IMHlttjl They bothered me so jsHPVByj badly that 1 ('nu:d do "Bt my worl onlY with WF 3 Wfi tbe kc'Pcd' my hus- pr band. Onedaynesaw Iftk ;1l P61 telling wlfat M Lydia E Pinkham'a llll! I I ceetable Com- ll'lf 1: - Ll,l 1 1 1 1 pound is doing for " women, so 1 began itn take it It haa helped mo wonderfully. I am feeling fine, do all my housework and washing for seven in the family. I have been u-regular u-regular too, and now am all right. I am telling my friends what it has done for me and am sure it will do good for others. You can ute this letter as a testimonial. tes-timonial. I will stand up for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound any time." Mrs. Wm. Juhnke, Foster, Oregon. Doing the housework for a family of seven is some task. If you, as a housewife, house-wife, are troubled with backache, irregularities, ir-regularities, are easily tired out and irritable, or have other disaprreeable ailments ail-ments caused by some weakness, give Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Com-pound a trial. Let it help you. |