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Show RANDOM REFERENCES Ogdon Visitor Orin Yarnell of Salt Lake Is visiting In ogden with Mr. and Mrs Milton H. White at their home on Jefferson avenue Moved To 2436 Washington avenue, ave-nue, eight doors north, J. T Rushmer. Optometrist. 986 Sue on Note Suit has been filed la the district court b. George V. Dawson Daw-son against Joseph E. Berlin. H. H. McAllister. Jr., and others, seeking to recover $100, alleged to be due on a promissory note executed March 1916 Judgment, with interest and costs, are sought. Expert paper cleaning. Phone 327-W Itil Dr. John Finley .Morrison. Osteopath, Osteo-path, 510 Kxles Bldg. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1:30 to . p. m. 936S Licensed to Wed. Marriage licenses have been Issued in the office of Claude T. Moyes. county clerk, to Robert Ro-bert J. Richards and Stella Ma" Kingston King-ston of Morgan, and Helen C. Stan-fleld Stan-fleld and Nancy J. Garrison of Hail-ey, Hail-ey, Idaho Cgden Typewriter Houso for typo-I typo-I writers and repairs. 2422 Iludson avenue. ave-nue. Phone 236. Denlow Theft; Jailed R F Richards, Rich-ards, 2 6 years of age. was arrested Mast night by Deputy Sin-riffs Hack Shurtllff and George Theobald upon a warrant charging him with theft oi a coat from a local restaurant. Edwards Ed-wards denied he stole the coat and claimed it was loaned to him. The restaurant proprietor, however, signed a complaint charging him with embezzlement. em-bezzlement. He is now ln the county Jail Distilled Water lec exclusively. Og-Acn Og-Acn City Ico Company. 2J79 Hi;d6on lltl Waldron, E. Y. The Magazine Man. b6l7 Con. E. Bohn Insurance, Fire and Auto. Ill Eccleu Bldg. Phono i960. 63S6 Cur Stolen The sheriff at Ixgan reported re-ported to the police this morning that Ford automobile bearing engine number num-ber 28.600 92K has been stolen from there last night He also informed the police that a man about five feet sl (inches In height. dark complexion. : weighing about 150 pounds and dresa-'ed dresa-'ed ln dark clothing was suspected of Istcaling the car. i oo Weber Floral lurnlshca the flowers. 776 MO i |