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Show "jjkATION OF BLED LIMITED y for former service men Order th.it I h' v may re-pflSfttlon re-pflSfttlon lor injuries re-fJt re-fJt tpe world u:i is August fflHO Sn a nno made I by E. A I iti iff ield. local gjvf the American Legion the follow tnr: places at fi'Jgiter before i hat Lime lHB Of the American Red first Nnth -, ), ml build-f build-f fourth -tn-e rind W.ish-gff' W.ish-gff' with juvenile JudRC 1 f In the Fred J. Ktesel OO avenue and Twenty -K With Walter Hadlock at . bite hank, Twenty-fifth iSahlnpton avenue and J JSp00"''-1 at tho Internal 4g ln tr" federal building, f "tree ii nd i:t:t, ave- |