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Show DEPUTY MARSHALS TAKE OATHS HERE Jonathon Jones and W. I. Norton both former chief of police In Ogden William J. Byrnes, a former peace officer, of-ficer, and Jacob A. Zundel. a former sheriff in Nevada, were sworn In bo-foro bo-foro United Staton Judge Tillman D. Johnson ln the Unltod States court in the federal building in Ogden this morning as United Statca deputy mar-h&lSi mar-h&lSi Judge Johnson. in administering lh oath, informed the, deputies that they are to uphold the law relating to Interstate traffic on the railroads and were, to see that th v movement of mall trains was not molested in any way, nor delayed. oo British automobiles are endeavoring to have a law passed to compel rear lights on bicycles. i |