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Show SUMMITS DROP HITTING BEE Peaches Clout Out Six Runs in Sixth, Putting Con test on Ice i BR1GHAM CITY. Ju'.y 20 Thcj Brlgham Peaches hopped back into :hej load in tho Northern Ctah league heie Wednesday by tcklng the Summ::s down the line 10 to 5. Up until th., sixth Inning tr.e viultors held the up-, per hand leading by a 5 to 4 score j The Peaches tallied six scores in thl-framr- whl h put the game on lC( Lefty Hnll worked on the rubber t r the lorulv Although he was touched, for 11 hit he kept them well scat- tered. Mclvor started on the firing line for the visitors but gave way to Rock in the sixth. Brig Johnson with a homer and two single topped the sluggers Thi box score. SMITH Fl ELD AB. R. H. PO. A. E. j Snolgrove. 2b .. ..4 2 1 1 I Mclvor. p-lb f 1 .1 I 0 l Rock, p-lb 4 0 n s n Johnson. If 4 1 I " J) Goodwin, cf ..... 4 0 2 2 0 0 Dorius. 3b 4 Q 1 2 0 Smirch, c 4 0 1 I 0 ll Myers, rf 4 0 n 0 0 Hansen, ss 1 1 1 0 3 lj Totals 34 5 1 1 24 9 1 BRIGHAM AB. R. H. PO A. P.I Clark, lb 8 2 0 1 3 1 , Menges, ss .4 I 2 ' 4 lj Young, rf 5 l 2 3 0 Jones, cf 5 1 2 2 0 01 Slattery. lb 4 ( 2 8 0 Snapp, c 5 1 2 4 1 0 Hall, p 5 2 1 3 0 Jensen. 2b .' I 2 2 2 Watklns. If 4 1 11 0 01 Totals 40 10 16 27 13 l1 I Score by Inning? , Smithfleld Runs 301 100 000 B Hits .323 100 20011 Brlgham 1 Runs .040 0006 Ox 10 Hits . 141 026 llx lt Summary. Home run-Johnson. Two-base Two-base hits Menges Hall. Threc-baso; hits Snolgrove. Menges. Jensen. Double plays Menges unassisted Hansm to Snelgrovo to Hook; Hail to Menges to Slattery. Hits uff Mclvo. , I 13, 29 at bat In 1-3 Innings, o(i Pock 3, 11 at bat In 1 1-3 inning. Bases! Ian halls Off Hall 4. off Mclvor I, off Rook I, Struck om By Mclvor o. bo Rook I, by Hail 2. Baorlftao Uil Rock Sacrifice fly Blatter) I'm-1 p ps oollume |