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Show LEGION WORKS FOR PEACE ERA ; E1I0RS TOLD fianford MacNider Believes Organisation Will Be Dominant Force M1BSOULA. Mont.. July 20 Allied reterua a million of them member? of th Ainerlcan Legion. through th- ir organizations have started an international in-ternational movement for peaie. flaa-foni flaa-foni MacNider. national comxnandur of the Anierican Legion, told the National Na-tional Editorial assoiiatlon at Its thirty-seventh annual meeting here toda. "We beiievc. said Mr. Mac- . '"it is going to b'-comc a domi-nnnt domi-nnnt international force. "Our war was a war to end all wars. are not pacifists. We be lieve in adeouatfl defense for uur country - But our eyes were opened through hard experience. Wo know what war means and to the best of our ability through all the coming years v.e Intend to seo that such th:ii2.-i do not happen again. To thi-5 end there has been formed a great interallied veterans' association, La Federation des Anclens Combattan made ui of all the great veteran-' organizations In all the allied coun-tii-v 11 includes in its mesnberahip thfl BrltlSb Legion, which followed our OWH olan of development, anil is In ided b Marshal Haic the consolidation consoli-dation nf all the French organisations organisa-tions end others from Canada. South Africa, Italy and JugO-Slavia in fact i' i a!IIe country. You will hear of tho urojeress oi 11 rirst real congress In New Oilcans ne; fall where it meets at ihe invi-t:ii!on invi-t:ii!on o! the Legion. Through this federation the American Leaion feels that more can be accomDllshsd than through nnv inti.rnat)on;il conference or agreements toward the prevention of future wars. "Firfit of all. however, the American Ameri-can Lcaion stands for America and for the defenders of America.' i 00 |