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Show I m. , I M ORPHEUM SUNDAY The kid had more r cheek than his HvaHw Dad! And she - ''He won't marrv TALMAOGE melWhat'U I do?" in The woe of a wife who wasn't. "DANGEROUS Still More BUSINESS" "Dangerous Comedy Busines5" "THE KICK IN HIGH LIFE" fOW PLAYING ROSINI The World's Greatest Illusionists GLORIA JOY 4 CO. Tho Little Queen of "Movieland" IRENE TREVETTE The Italian Nightingale ZARA CARMEN TRIO The Clever Originators LA PINE AND EMORY The Little "What Nots" of Vaudeville MOVIE COMEDY "The Punch of the Irish." Three Shows Daily 2:45 7:30 9:15 PRICES N"0hts 40c 50c Mat,nes 25c 30c I I I MUST CLOSEOuS SHORT LINES Xk . '; Before (Tjk Return ssjflr Manager Joseph B Foulger, who 13 now m the East nW buying and inspection trip, wrote us under dat nf vJm -ruary 12: "Am in St. Louis and will be back Snnc3 February. 20. Get rid of short and broken lines in alldBf P partments. Must make room for shoes I am buying We are going to sec that all short lines are soldbeffc Mr. Foulger 's return that is, ii low prices will doit YtMrft will find unbelievable shoe values now on every bargB HERE ARE JUST A FEW fin FOR YOUTHS FOR MEN Brown English Shoes in Wcrl and Dr4ss Shoei jB"" sizes 10 to 2. Former vn 3nd bla'' M 0 prices to $5.50. now -T I , A'W'y: sold KsX f 9-50. Take them for $2.98 $4.48 I Your Choice at $2.98 Besides ShoeG and Oxford-"., we h.ive added to this bargain UhliW .in assortment of Mary Janes and One-strap Pumpc. SizesjSB "" to 5' :. Just the thing for growing girls. Bjf W Children's Shoes Ladies' Spats j I Col Button and lace In sizes 5 i .- i color.-.; f-ont anil to 12. Regular $5.00 val- side button Valuj to UB'1 1!- ues for for M $2.98 $ $1.98 FOOT SPECIALIST We have a graduate Foot Specialist at our store, whose serviKe are FREE to all customers No matter what your foot ailmiKeiti are, he will examine your feet, tell you what Is wrong and hoH" to overcome it Take advantage of this fre service. t52j' j East Pavy" Street FOT Oood ShjQQA. Across misj 2358 Washington Avenue Ln rt . B - 1 ' AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PEOPLE OF 0GQkys Ogden, Utafi, February 16. i We are offering to liu- people ut Ogden a TW -amount of our stock We feel that you should afj" ciate .the opportunity to become associated with J Cjfot pany that is a going concern and that is at present ing 20 per cent on the entile capitalization. heLm 't We manufacture Keene Cement. We ai'e ar jK1. our orders now. with a demand liiai conunue io .: Unlimited raw material and the process protected ' uBWv United States letter patent. You will concede MfoT future offers the development of one of the larges mfir dustries in the State of Utah. IvJJ This wonderful deposit of natural material lS.a.JJ nature to our state. There is no dependency of cj'-irrigation, cj'-irrigation, rainfall or cultivation except the procC5?M, taking the materials from the deposit and manuract bur product. We need additional machinery to increase our H duction and we offer you the opportunity to shared US the profits that are assured. The products are on display at out oifice an?jK cordially invited to investigate, and we will gladly PI before you all the facts herein stated. Yours truly, t LT.S 1 NATURAL PRODUCTS CO. . ' 2441 Hud-on Av- ' |