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Show COLOMBIA DEMANDS j PAYMENT FOR CANAL I BOGOTA, Colombia, Feb. lo .v. - I lion by the I "tilled States congress rel- 13 ,atlve to the treaty between that coup- 4 trj and Colombia, cither during thS I j present session oi in the extraordinary " .session to be held alter the lnaugUtiS- 2 tlon of Mr. Harding, i expected hi I jci-ordlnn io newspaper comments on' ' 'thp situation. It Is stated, however, j Lhai negotiations relatlvs to petroleum I concaaaions havi apparentl' been in I teimingled with th0 conversations held ; - .Jinn ihe treuty. i Lseartlon la nade that the Cotom rirt I government has decided to suspend the . Study of ail appropriation. regarding i petroleum, .md that the whole nation I I la unanimous In sustaining this COUU-M I try ' lemand for reparation for tbe j I breaking awa f r.inamu from o I 'lombia. ( |