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Show 4 ! 4.1 REMARKABLE REMARKS j "The cause for wonder lies not In. the few instances where marriage ! fails, but in the surprising number of leases where It succeeds beyond all an-. IticlpatloQ." Iorl Uuckmaster. K-Lord K-Lord Chancellor of EnglaniT. "Modern dancing is leading to' spiritual death." Archbishop John J. (ilennout if ! "The growing tendency of labor to' i become more efficient and Its wllling-ix wllling-ix s.s to accept some liquidation of ln-'jflatcd ln-'jflatcd wages is encouraging." Jamei S. Alexander, president National Bank of 'ommeree, .. York. "There a, in tbe Good Iiook, a great story of men who reconstructed a bro- ken -ity with a trowel In one hand aaid a .sword In the other; but ISurop'e must .set to work with both hands." David Lloyd George. "The value of our investments depends de-pends not upon the strength of our banks, but upon the strength of our churches " ltogrr W . Babson. 'The all important ihing that Americans know about Russlu is that in every sense the Soviet government! and the philosophy buck of It are ab-i BOlutS In their denial and repudiation ot democracy." Samuel Gompers. 00 |