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Show kkkS' m i' a'" I 1 uu 6n dress B' ; . Mrs. Warren G. Warding, '.he next; B, U '?first lady," has this to say on (lie sub B Ject of dress LBfl , i J,' j "I have always felt clothes are tre B I j . naendously lmpm tant. i n. . an af-Bjjj af-Bjjj ij j 4bTd to be Indifferent abotit them." ! '1 j j j j Well spoken'. Most ot us like to say j L that it is what a person is and not, what he looks liko that counts. But. lp reality, we make our first Judg ipents of men en their looks and find' cnu what they are at our lejsure j 1 j Most of us are engaged in the busi- B' -j I j ness of "selling" our personalities. It j J j ;'J ij if sad to reflect, but true, that t.. at H j v Ij tynct our customers to our characters, LgVi ''4 'SlB c uust ' give ourselves a certain amount of window-drcssinu B p j The function ol good clothes is Co ! j! proide the tuuieliate kmi tl..;i B leTSOnality cannot of itself forthwith , HrjJ uract. Hi 1 ; i Besides compelling the instant al LBl 1 1 !l Aption of ethers, coo.l clothes also Bnl j' have the quality ol an encouraging pat i Bjti ; tj the back or the wearer. Byl ; I Who has noi fell the sell conlitlen. . B ( t and the pep that a new spring nit. or iil'ln even a new hat. imparls? ml |