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Show 1 HI K tirga! ' rchnncllse ollered as Ml W '"itl 11 ' cs"9httly' 5hop wcjrn ,hcre yMW J ll SSBH I"' S thc b.iro.ilns for Pff HbtoL Y ll STARTING ' . TODAY -1:45 P. M. iyy OA . I wm mm TsmrwAsms "SNUB" POLLARD COMEDy lOGDEN Theatre SUNDAY J. PARKER READ'S "ONE THOUSAND TO ONE." COMING SOON "LYING LIPS," Thomas H. Ince's I Greatest Su J T ,"5 " . t- so r a SrS ma Un-r f . A FsHTtf s-; c. . -H"r w . THty cc.T TL ttav. r 4fr ia rir &uT , Iy o' ' -, J f; Conr paq hvice as much for jush as good. Insist on War Department Canned Corned Beef and Corned Beef Hash. There are None Better. These meats were selected, cooked, prepared and canned by the leading packing houses of North and South America, under U. S. Government's most rigid supervision and inspection. I Your dealer will realize a legitimate profit from the sales (the wholesale prices listed below), and you secure these delicious, appetizing foods at a mighty big saving whereby I THE WHOLE FAMILY CAN Dine for a Day for a Dollar H Ask your dealer to get you some today. Insist that he gives you the benefit of these nourishing meats at better than pre-war prices. THE WHOLESALE PRICES rc printed Velow. Th?y will five you lome idea ot what yoti will tare on your purcha'e. ) CORNED BEEF HASH CORNED BEET 1 lb. cant. ISc per caa No I cam, I Sc per can - I 2 lb. cant. 30c per can No 2 cant. 27c per can H 1 lb. cam, 18c per can 6 lb. cam. $1.00 per can 11 TABLE OF DISCOUNTS D ounri to apply on all purchaiei ul aurplua canned meats on and after Write to November . 1920. are follow,: Depo( Quartermaster at iSO to Si. 000 net H 1 .00 1 to 2.J00 S per cent Brooklyn, N. Y., 39th St. and Fira! 2. S01 to, 4.000 10 per cent Ave. H 4.001 and over 20 per cent Boaton. MaJt.. Army Supply Bate. H Chicago, rn., 1JI9 W. 39th St H CUMULATIVE PURCHASES COUNT Atlanta. Ci . Transportation BIdt. When purchase reach $50,001. 14 net 'o prevail; when purchaiei reach San Antonio. Tex. $100 001. 28'. Ml to prevail, when purchuei reach $500,001, 32 net to pre- San Francisco. Calif iil vail; when purchases reach Sl.0C0.0Ol anj over. 35 net to prevail SURPLUS PROPERTY BRANCH MINIMUM ORDER ACCEPTED, $250 Office of the Quartermaster General, , Munitions Bide., The Government will pay freight on carload lots to any point in the United Wasbio'ton. D. C. H State located more than twenty miles from shipping pom. I ' Buy ft by the Case H WAR DEPARTMENT CANNED MEATS f H . , REAL BARGAINS IN 1 I PHONOGRAPHS ) I jKtKj eguar MACHINES close 150 mafornes $90 1 H IBM MACHINES "ZZ 1 II $165 for $99 1 llH Regular Price MACHINES T H $190 for $114 I I I I Regular Price MACHINES flT 1 l MB $215 for $129 I All models and finishes on display at our show room, 155 24th St., j ttjj from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Plays all makes of disc records. They won't j last ing at these prices. Come early while the selection is complete. Beautifully finished in cenuinc five-ply manogany. The Pt .yerphone isone of the best phonographs ever produced and a g fumed or waxed oak demonstration will convince you. I , Sgden Who'esale Drug Co. 1 I : .!l 2 .'1 aV.Au AV. Aii Au au M ffl h'L A'ii ffl M SB ffl 8 iCffiffltffflttcM M ffl Bj Aju uVi aVrjiu Mlu AVrWr,' I |