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Show I I BRITON DISTURBED BY IRISH HECKLERS jj ; NEW YORK. Pel.. I : PoVlct r - , y J serves were rushed to Carnegie Hall '; fl ! last night to suppress u disturbance H . i during an aiJdr. i Sli PhlUp Jlbbs, ; B i r Bngllsh war correspondent and au- fl ) I i thor, occasioned by his references to :?jB pi j j appropriations bi ti" L'iiki.-i Ste-tes u m ''it ri 'or new battleships. His subjoct was ( 1 I "What a Man Meanta to tho World." ;j 1 Jj Tho Interruptions can., from tho I l L tij uudlencc when person! voicing Irish I j ; ) aspirations who gicw demonstrative . 'jjl '. fjj after tho speaker, alluding to naval' , expansion, declared: 1 it "There is no quarrel between your ,' jj j h country and jnlnc. America tuny j jj build a big navy, but ii will not raise j J a hair In a single QngUshnrnVn's head-1' ! , (j Sir I'hllip was greeted With hoots II 'J " y cm and urn calls, lit fly from the gallery, j Jjj Kor several mlnutuM hi- whs prevent - i A Sj ad from continuing. When the pollco :'M ; f p arrived in. was under flr ..i hecklers. ! li la Order was restored after fifteen of I '1 r W " "hc audience wen- requested to leave ( I ;;; sir Philip ih6n finished his address. |