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Show Sparkling Bill of Vaudeville Opens Today at the Orpheum A new bill Sparkling with novelty Will open today at the irphcum thea-1 thea-1 1 for three-day run The vaudeville vaude-ville program win include a nst of 1 iii" attrnt tioija, from n hich It is difficult lq select the real feature. Roalnl and Companj present an illu-J slon act which stands without a peer on the vaudeville stage. Gloria Joy and company offer a comedy dramatic playlet entitled Heart Strings." Gloria Jo Is a child of the movies, and even though she Is but a child, has been in motion pictures for six cars. Both Herbgrt Bethew, who its Was Joy. and Marie Van Tassel. s b,, fa member of the company, com-pany, an motion picture players of prominence, h en,. Trevette is an itai-1 itai-1 n nightingale. Lapllc and Kmeryi preaonl little what-nots of vaudeville, I .vnd Hie .,r.i Carmen trio appear In "Something Different.' A dan. U comcd will close thu ex-J pel lent 1.111. 00 1 |