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Show ISON VETO I OF TARIFF BILL ! LOOMS LARGE J Measure Passed in Senate After Many Amendments Are Added CONFEREES NOW AT WORK ON LEGISLATION iSenator Moses Scathingly Rebukes Re-bukes Republican Supporters Sup-porters of Fordney Act ) WASHINGTON. Feb- 1 7 Facing I the admittedly difficult task of reaching reach-ing an agreement on the senate amendments to the measure as passed J hy the house, senate and hou.se con-iferees con-iferees on tho Fordney emergency '.tariff bill, passed bj the senate lat yesterday, were expected to get down to work today in an effort to complete com-plete the legislate c enactment of tho bill as speedily as possible Probu-, blllty of a presidential -eto, however, loomed large More than a score Of amendments hn.i been added to the bill as it l-tt the house when the senate passed it by a vote of 43 to 30. action on the bill, deslpncd and lushed through the house as an aid to the farmer, came after a protracted protract-ed session during whleh four Republican Repub-lican senators broke from their party, alignment and two of them. Edge ofj New Jersey and Mones of New Hampshire, Hamp-shire, bitterly assailed the measure and its Republican supporters. lake-wise, lake-wise, solidarity of the Democratic , ranks copUl not be maintained, nino I bring recorded for tho bill. The roll call; Itepublieans: For P.nll,. Borah. , Brandagee, rapper, Curtis. Elklns. Fall. France, Frellnghuyscn, Gooding. Gronna, Hale. Johnson (Calif.), Jones (Wash i. Kellogg, KLenyon, LaFoUette, Lenrnot. Lodge. McCormlck, McCum: her. MoLean, M -Nary, N'r-w. Penrose.! Phlpps, Polndextcr. Smoot, Spencer.! Sterling, Sutherland. Townsend. Wads-1 worth and Willis. Total Republicans for, 3 4. Democrats For Ashurst, Gay. Henderson Jones (New Mexico). I Kendrlck, Mers Pittman, Ransdeli and Bhephard. Total Democrats, Total for. 43 Democrats; Asa Inst Beckham, Dial, Fletcher. Garry, Glass. Harris. Harrison, Ilerlln, Hitchcock. King., Klrbv, MoKellar, Overman. Pomerene,' Simmons. Smith (Ga ). Smith (South Carolina), Stanley. Swanson. Thomas, Trammel, Underwood. Walsh (Mass.), Walsh (Mont), Williams and Wol-cott. Wol-cott. Total Democrats against, 26- Republicans: Against Colt, Edge, Kcyea and Moses. Total Republicans against, 4. Total ogalnst, 30- Tho speech of Senator Mooes was filled with caustic shots at his Republican Re-publican colleague:-. He declared every' ev-ery' senator knew that the bill, if it should become a law. would avail nothing and he challenged denial by any senator that it was "unscientific and designed to fool the farmer rather than aid him." He also assaulted sup-1 porters of the bill for having offered no defense for its provisions. "The Republican party can not go before the country with such a measure, meas-ure, ' he declared. "It can only give to President Wilson, who was so thoroughly thor-oughly repudiated In Noember an opportunity op-portunity to excoriate tho Republican partv and believe me. he will do M 'Why, this bill Is lopsided H'u blind and it's deaf and It has the, rickets. It's j a combination between the rlco paddies, pad-dies, the cano brakes, tho cattle ranges; the sheep runs and the wheat fields." As the bill pissed the senate. It carried car-ried the followinK import duties: Wheat, 40 cents per bushel: flax seed. 30 cents per bushel: wheat flour and semolina, 20 per cent ud valorem; corn and maize. 15 cents per bushel:) beans, 2 cents per pound, potatoes. 23 cents per bushel peanuts or ground; beans, I cents per pound; onions. 40 1 cents per bushel, rice, 2 cents per pound; lemons, 2 cents per pound, j peanut oil. 26 cents per gallon, cotton seed, cocoanut and soya be.an oil, 20 cents per gallon; cattle (except for breeding purposes. 30 per cent ud valorem, val-orem, sheep, over one car old, $2 00! per head; sheep under one year, $1.00 per head; freoh and frozen meats. 2o. per ceni ad valorem; long staple cotton cot-ton (one and thrc-ebhths inches. 7 c-mts p. r pound, cotton manufactures. I 7 i ..ills per pound, unwashed wool. 16 cents per pound: washed wool. 30 cents per pound; scoured wool, 45 cents per pound, sugar, 1 cent per pound. In addition to the present tariff jof 1 cent; butter and substitutes. S cents per pound; cheese and substituted, substi-tuted, 28 per cent ad valorem, fresh: milk,, 2 cents per gallon; fresh cream,' 0 cents per frallon; condensed Or pre- served milk. 2 cents per pound, and sugar of milk, 5 cents per pound. Mixed wrapper and filler tobacco, if from two or more countries (un.-vtemmed), (un.-vtemmed), 52. H5 per pound, stemmed. $3. 30 P'-r pound; blues, 15 por cent ad alorein; upplos, 30 cents per bushel; cherries, 4 cents per pound; olives. In solution, 26 cents por gallon; not In solution. 5 cents per pound ad valorem; olives In bulk, r,0 cents pel callon |