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Show I TRAIL GIRL TG I BRIGHAM CITY Three Officers Lose Trace of Helen Brewer Who Broke j Jail Here Ahhough Helen I!rf n cr, 1.". -;u ol i Klrlt who p.CApol from the OOUD Tedncsdajr nizhi had noi been recap lured up until 1 nun today, Bit I" Ol lh sheriff's department hail rtrte mined that the pirl wcnl directly 10 RriKham ( ii following her I scape arrl remained thorp for several hours yes-terday. yes-terday. She is reportfd to have rK-Istered rK-Istered in p. hotel there under her truo uanj, but inrectigat ion showed (hat h did not occupj a room. According to reports. Mis- Brewei .sat in the hotel lobby for some time following her arrival yesterday morn ing and lain- appeared al reatauran where she is said to haw explained "be was without funds ard hav. "mooched" a meal. From there her v nail was lost. B II J K,,or,s a,e heins made today re j R(jl ''- ' ;p'ut tlx- siri and II is the belief I. 71 of thefficers that .he will ugain be -a nnlody within a few hourt H Mine Brewer n h being held in lh j woman's ward of the count jail by ' Juvenile officers. She wa. one of the lirst girls to be arrested in the vice raid carried on hy the police, den.ui fl innnt and was held for medical ireai i ment She effected her el igpe Tims i day evening by remoinc several large screws from a door Iraneom wttll a -poon nandle nnd climbed through the opening to liberty. LH J oo |