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Show OFFICERS CI1EI TO II 111 SCHOOL CADETS Appointment of commissioned offi-cr" offi-cr" for the High school eadel battalion bat-talion Jiave been announced. Frank 1 Pingree was 'mimed major, with Fran-, cis Woods, lieutenant adjutant. Captains Cap-tains chosen aic: Dan Rowlands, Weston Wes-ton Bird, Blain Becker, and Claud Mol- ; lister. First lieutenants appointed are Del-veri Del-veri Craven, Wesley Jackson, Joseph Tillotson. Harold Hutton and Howard j Peddler. I 1 Second lieutenants are Michael Itog-' Itog-' ers, rterd Vowles, Harry Lyons and I Ilillard Wherry. I The appointments were niad? by I Lieutenant Evcrly. j It is anticipated that uniforms snd j rifles as equipment for the battalion j will arrive in tho near future. 00 |