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Show COLDS . ' Head or chest are best treated 0?Jj "externally" with ylw ' vicks vapomM : "vOUR BODYGUARD ' - 30'. 60TI 20 Slade has moved to 4o: i .enty-Mth Street Why Druggists Recommend Recom-mend Swamp-Root For many years druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable re-markable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, kid-ney, liver and bladder medicine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengtheniug medicine. med-icine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bladder do the work nature Intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the tost of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. " I Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start I treatment at once. I However, if you wish first to test I this great preparation send ten cents ! to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghampton. I K. Y.. for a sample bottle. When writ-1 Ing be sure and mention the Ogden Standard. Advert isemont. nn HEMMmtoaumm mw m m 1 1 j I Encore Pancake Flour is ready the I I V J ""16 moment you are. Light, tempt- 1 bs ing; pancakes all in a jiffy 1 H I i.LI No fuss, no bother. Just add an 8 1 VJ "OElOl equal quantity of cold water and H bake on a hot griddle. S B ?S S S rich in itutriment you need I 1 V 3 J XPSOS little else for a satisfying, substan- I - B S A tial breakfast. M I Baafeateflfe, Sperry flour ca i ii r . - mm I 1 "A Sherry Product " 1 If I special notice ""T'"' -m msT' Due to the exceptional qualities of 'The Woman in Sm I IE m m Wl BOH M I il the Suitcase" we are playing it again tomorrow See it. Jpg jjJl Bi l W M JO SSLtt. 1 ) Mf W TODAY AND TOMORROW 1 f " ' . ENID BENNE TTM m V I In her Latest and Greatest Success 1 H ' 4ji3k . ' W.Ci Woman In The Suitcase" I H f ifk 'J&S A picture you must not miss. Together with ffij iBP COMING SESSUE HAYAKAWA " I SATURDAY PtUre I II Til i MUM Will JMgJHJIlBBgimWKyY Ql H STOOD sGS Soothe thr irritation end you relieve th? distrcM Do both quickly end effectively by u:ias promptly dcjidablc remedy CHSCHESTEfT S PILLS Jr,nJ I-jJIt Aak 7nr JDraxffUlfor j UTniA Bed " Uald recUlllcXV I? SSH "'d lti r.Ibboiu T TrJ 3ft k d brr. JUnr rroor v 1 tg njAMoxn imxND piLi., for 2 SOLD BV BSUG01SI5 EVERYWNEEf j I CALUMET BISCUITS-light, flaky If I pi m mounds of goodness capped with a p i itJl m tender, done-to-a-tum cmst You'U admit that B8 jpgg m no other biscuits can compare with them the Hi i i H '0$ li nue e fi1 batch comes from your oven. . H IlCIIfiMFTAli I '; Makes Most Palatable and Sweetest of Foods K93 I because it is absolutely You save when you buy it : I $m& pure in the can and in the You save when you use it ffl1 jH $$$l baking. You save materials it is used with. J m because its leavening A perfect product of the HP ' I m$ strength never varies, never world's largest, most up -to- JM m?& weakens. It is always the date and sanitary Baking & p '$kt Si same, and results are always Powder Factory. i ' 0M the same always the finest Contains only such Sg 'r9 jS Absolute certainty g35s j?16 .bave H risinwsu ' m mt I rffll, moderate pnee vou faTlVkl . , . m && '(mm Pay for CALUMET fAf I1MI7T f?nvepaay M m I m M f decidedly tfJt M Ml roost dehciou and ' I Remember when you buy Calumei9 you get a I Cull pound, if you want it. 16 -not 12 ounces. : |