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Show Better Conditions At the Dances Apostle David O. McKay of Ogtieii j presided over the closing s 'a ion of I the dancing convention at Salt L-ike. last Saturday. Apostle McKay is odI of many in th state who iaors strtcB er dance contrjl in Vtah in bis acK dress he Bhowed how public and prfl vate dancing could be improved. MB also stated hit the owners and manwl i- hould CO-ejn r a r .- at ill : inrr wtlbj the dance committees io make thj dance even b . r than it ha -jeen m' past years. Rough elemems and 'he extrcnifi in dancing should be elirain-ited esn Clally in the dances conducted by tM L D. S., he said. ' i . kw |