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Show MRS. MARY E. WEST DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS Mary Eunice West, known to a large circle of Ovlcn friends a "Mary Little- field West " dld In Logan. Sunday morn-j morn-j Intr t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I A Weal Tho younpr woman was born In Ogden about 13 years apo and spent her Klrllioml and early married life here. .She was the daughter of W. D. Minefield, now deceased, and Isabella Kay Little ! field of 458 Twenty-seventh street, thjs euy. She was married to Joseph Walker 'o.t. a well-known ounj; man of this City on June I, ISO I There are six children, chil-dren, one kIiI. Thelnn, and five boys. T'o ol the I'ose. Clement and Alva, sered with the American war forces and wero recently mustered out. The other hoys are Mont William and Ralph. About fifteen years apo the family r. moved to Oregon and now reside at Hood River, where Mr. West g genevn( manager of the Mount Hood Railroad company. The 03dy Of Mrs. West will be brouglit to Ogdon tomorrow and will be taken , to the home of her mother, 4.1S Twcnt-seventh Twcnt-seventh street. Friends max view the remains there tomorrow from 4 to 9 p. ru. and W'cdne-?- ; day from 10 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. Funer-tl services will bo held fh the Second ward ' meet Ins house at 2 p. in., on that date Interment will he in Ogden City cemetery. The death of Mis. West was midden i nd uhlOOked for. She came to Ogdeil about n month apo to attend the funeral of a relative, bringing her two youngest children. She remained to visit with relatives for a time pnd left for Isan about ten ds ago to visit relatives nt I 'hat place. Soon after reaching that city she bo. I came ill. with acute gastritis, and, al-fhouch al-fhouch medical aid was promptly summoned, sum-moned, the malady baffled their skill. 1 Mr West and the other hlldren from I Orepon were .summoned and were with the wife and mother at the end. Mrs. I.litlefleld. her mother, from Ogden. waa also with her daughter during tho final da Other relatives who went to Ixgan Fil-da) Fil-da) to be at tho bedside, wore hor j brother. W. F. Uttlefleld and her slater, lira Warren L Wattls and Mra Elver-etia Elver-etia i.ittiefieid. rarfieular! dlatreasing and patheilo the patient realized the deaperate char-acter char-acter of her llhess. and as the hours' paaaed without Its iHding to medical I treatment she sensed the rlm fact, that I she was about to pasa to the valley of the .shiido-.v of death. With health, home, husband, children, friends even thing to jnake her life rich and full of hope, she Was SUddenl) cru. elly seized and made to realise that for brr these Joys were all but over: that her eyes would soon be closed in the long and dreamless sleep. Rut not for a moment did she falter or complain, through a week of awful suffering she retained her courage and serenity, solid-tious solid-tious only for the comfort, welfare md peace of those about hoi Conscious a), most to the lBSt, she met the end wltn heroism and Christian fortitude. |