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Show Deaths and Funerals Cunningham h. h Cunningham of Victor. Idaho, died yesterdav at a local lo-cal hospital of paralysis. The deceased deceas-ed was 60 years or age. A widow and one daughter survive. The body was removed to the Larkln and Son's establishment es-tablishment Funeral announcement will be made later. kilfoyle The infant son of Mr and Mrs. James D Kilfoyle of Clinton died yesterday morning at the famllj residence The funeral will be held this afternoon at the Larkln and Sou's funeral chapel leavitt Lewis Leayltt, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Leavitt. died yesterday afternoon at the home, 571 Cross avenue, The parents, five brothers and two sisters survive The funeral will be held this afternoon at ihe home Interment will be in Ogdcn city cemetery. JONES -The funeral of Mrs. Charles w Jones will be held tomorrow after noon at o'clock in the North Ocden meeting house, Bishop Frederick Bark J er officiating. The body may be viewed view-ed this evening and tomorrow until 1 o'elock. Interment will be in Oi'dcm city cemetery. FISHER. David M. Fisher, aged 44 years, and a wen known men bant of Clearfield, Utah, died last evening 1 at 8 15 o'clock, at the Dee hospital . The wife and live children, as follows, survive: Mrs. Ethel Chase. Mrs. 1 Dorothy Campbell, Blanche. Edna and; Geneva Fisher; also a sister, Mrs. Mar tin. Mr. Fisher was a member of Weber We-ber Camp. No. Woodmen of thei World, and also a member of the Na-j tional Onion Funeral arrangements' will be announced later. |