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Show NOTICE Official Warning That No More Liberations Will Be Allowed. SERIOUS MATTER i Bank Clerks Through-! out Ireland to Strike December 31. DUBLIN, Sunday, Nov. 23 Official Of-ficial notive was given today that no more prisoners would bc liberated for huncer striking and that hunger strikers must themselves be respons-l lble for consequences of their acts. This notice is regarded seriously in Irish political circles and it is expected that hunger strikes will become numerous num-erous and that deaths in prison will follow. Tho effect would revive the bitteinos evoked by the death of Thomas Ashe, Sinn Fein leader, who oled in May. 1916, as the result of a hunger strike. DUBLIN, Sunday, Nov 23 Bankj clerks throughout Ireland will strike' December 31 unless the directors of banks recognize their union. This was decided at a conference of the bank clerks' union today. The proposed pro-posed strike would affect 3.000 out of a total of 3,700 bank clerks in Ire-i ;land. on |