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Show Reply to Note Is Expected at State Department WASHINGTON". Nov. 24 StMe do-p.Trtnu-nt officials cxpectr-d a rply todv to th AnvrlCHn note demanding the im-mdlntf im-mdlntf r-lc.e of WilHarn O Jenkins morl-nn ronmilr MMnt at Puchla, wno was rp-arriested iat Tues-iny on dn-tlonal dn-tlonal chares In conncrtion with Ms nbductlon by bandits A dlspatf-h hearine on the Jenkins case was received nt the Mexican embassy em-bassy jind It was assumed that this was Mexico's rply. While there has been no indication as to Mexico's attitude a refusal to release the consular ajrent i would not come as a surprise. The American demand was delivered to tli Mexican foreign office last Wednesday Wednes-day but as late a night as last Friday. Jenkins whs still held at Puebla and -o far as the state deportment has been advised, he has not been released |