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Show wfs Mies v. J NSW YORK. Nov. 24 Stocks mani Tested no definite trend at the dull I opening of today's .session. Traders I I were more favorably inclined o the' long account, but commission houses continued to emphasize the need of; further caution. Oencral Motor and, ! Crucible Steel, features of last w, ek's final session, soon strengthened the j general Hat at gains of five end 3 points Respectively, Food and copper! .Issues also contributed to the greater breadth and activity of the market all higher prices ithln the first half ! hour. Many accessions to early gains were made by motor, steel, equipment, ship-jpins. ship-jpins. tobacco and oil sharps, but rails remained .sluggish In several Instances Instan-ces Signs that ih shorts were having; further difficulties wore again apparent appar-ent Fierce-Arrow added five points ;to last Saturday's sharp rally and ! I nlted Fruit and Atlantic Gulf were very strong Demand for sugars werej based on excellent trad conditions land the favorable annual report of the' Cuba C;irn company. Coppers easerl toward noon and moderate reactions : set In elsewhere. Call money opened, I at 7 per oMit. the lowest Initial rate of the month Lower money rates and firmness of i j foreign exchange encouraged further buying at midday, especlsJl) o'. equip mentS, motors, Shippings and rubbers Trading was on the smallest scale in' , many weeks. CHICAGO GRAIN s CHICAGO, Nov. 24 Announcement of the re-opening of :i rj cereal food manufacturing establishment here i hat was closed temporarily by coal short age had a bullish effect today on the corn market. Besides, receipts were , not as large as had been looked for, and there was evidence that the coun-try coun-try did not propose to sell freely at present. Higher quotations un hogs, tended also to lift the value of corn Opening prices, which ranged from! the same rs Saturday's finish to 1c hlcher. with December ,3J 1.4 to 1 83 and May $1 .26 to 1 .26, were fo! lowed by additional Inadvancea In some case. OatS were firmer with corn. f;-T opening c off to l-4c advance in eluding May at TS'n to 76c, the mar ket hardened nil around Provisions reflected ihe strencth of 1 grain and hogs. Absence of anj pressure pres-sure to sell was a feature 1 CHICAGO, Nov 24.-- Open High Low ( oSS t orn Her i :2 1 "3 1 31 i 3JU .Tan 1.26' L28 1.26 U 1.27 May 126 1.27 '-2 i2fl 1.87 I Oats-Dec. Oats-Dec. .72 73 72 .727, May .75 .76"S -75 .76h I Pork Jan. 34.00 May 32.20 82.20 81 7u :;i 70 Lard Oec 23.80 23.70 23 70 Jan. 23.40 23.75 23 32 23.35 Ribs Jan. IS. 80 IS. 92 IS 50 l 57 May 18.35 18.45 18.15 18 .15 OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET. Cattle - Receipts 569; choice heavy steers JS'T9; good steers ?7'0 8: fair' steers $5'tf7. choice feeder steers 7 Q8; choice cows and liefers tc,fj 7 ,"it: fair to good cows and h el fen 56; 'inters $4."; canners ?3T I; , lioiro feeder cows $56: fat bulls 56; I bologna hulls M'SS. veal calves $10 ! 911. Hogs - Receipts 1013; choice fHi hogs, 175 to 250 lbs. $13 2614 on - I bulk $18.50018.75. Shep Receipts none; choice lambs $11018.50 wethers $6.5007.50; fat ewes 5f6; feeder lambs JS-Ti in OMAHA LIVESTOCK OMAHA. Neb., Nov. 24. (United ! Slates Bureau of Markets) Hogs Re-1 IceiptS 6500; market steady t 10c higher; top $14.30. bulk $14. 00014. -I 20; heavy weight $14.10014 25 me -dlum weight $14.16014.80; light; weight $H 00-rTH 20; heav packing ows, smooth. $18.90014.10; packlnc -ows, rough. $18.75018.90; pigs $13. ' OOifj 14.75- cattle Receipis 23.uiki; market' slow to 25c lower; beef steers, medium me-dium and heavy weight, choice and P'ime, $16.85018. 26; medium and FJOOd $11.00016.25; common $9.00 11.00; light weight, good and choice,! $15. 75'3 18.50; common and medium! $8.60011.85; butcher cattle, heifers, I $7.QO013.25; cows $6.75012.25: ean-ners ean-ners and cuttors $5. 256. 75; veal' calves, light and handy weight, $13. "0, '';14.50, feeder steers $7 . 25 '-'t 1 3 i'" ; Blocker steers $6.75011.00 Sheep - Receipts 16.000; market steady; lambs, 84 pounds down. $13 25 014.60; culls and common $8.75 12.75, yearling wethers $lu 25011 45, ewes, medium and choice $7. 00 ' 8.00; culls and common $3 0007 00 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO, Nov. 24 Hogs Receipts 42,000; market strong ti( 15c higher; bulk $12 75014 25; top $14 50 heary $18.75014 25; medium $13. S5 It. 30; light $13 7" -7 14.23. light light $13.4'i 914.00; heavy packing sows, shlOOth, $13 85018.75; parking sows, rough, $12.76018.26; pigs $18.00018.60 ('attle Receipts 28.000; market Stead ; beef steers, medium and heavy choice and prime $17 75020.00; medium me-dium and good $10. ."O-fi 17.75; com mon $8.7510.511; lieht weight, goo.! and choice. $n 5o'3 19.5o common and medium $7 50018.50; butcher cattle, cat-tle, heifers. $6.40014.76; COWS 16 26 018. OOj canners and cutters $5 85C 6.25; veal calves $16.00017.25; feeder feed-er steers $7 00 '1 13.00; stocker steers Jfi 00010.50; wpstern range, steers. $7.25014.75; cows and heifrrs $6.2". 12.50. Sheep Receipts 32,000; market firm, lamb $12 SO 014 7.". culls and common $8.75012 25; ewes, medium, good and choice. $7.0008 50; culls and common $3.00fjG 75; breeding $6.50011.25. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK KANSAS CITY, Mo. Nov 2 1 (i nited states Rurean of Markets I Hogs Receipts 16O00; market 2i to 35c higher; bulk $14 . 1 ,r. 1 4 .50; heavies heav-ies $14 2517 14 50: mediums $11 14.55; lights $14.00014.50 light lights $13 85014.86; packing sows 118.00014 00; pigs $12 56014.00 Cattle - Receipts 32,500; market steady to weak, heavy beef swers, choice and prime, $17.00018.50; me dlum and good $12.75017.00; com mon $10 15012 66; light, good and choice $13 00018.10; common and medium $8.16019.20; butcher cattle, lit rers $6 .r-''iTji4 00; cows 6 10012.. 25 canners and cutters $ S . 1 5 "a 6 40-veal 40-veal calves $13 50016 r". fefer -leers $8 00f5 13. 15; stocker steers $0 -00 Ti 10.40 Sheep - Receipts 8,000; market' mostly 25r higher: lambs $13. 00 15 00; culls and common $R 7512 75. yearling wethers $10 00011 75; ewes $6 0008 26; culls and common $8.0005 75. breeding ewes $7 BOG 11.50. feeder lambs $11 00018.25. AUSTRIA RECOGNIZED j COPENHAGEN, Nov 24 The vat ican has officially recognized the republic re-public of Austria, according to a dis patch from Vienna today MONEY EXCH ANGE. NEW Y')RK. Nov. 24 Mercantile paper 5 per cent. , Sterling: GO dav bills $4.0l12; com-mercial com-mercial 60 day bills on banks $4.01; j j commercial 60 day bills $4.00 34. de mand $4 06. cables $4.0t 3 4. Francs: Demand 9.52; cables 9.50 ' Guilders. Demand .37-V cables .37 Lire Demand 1184, cables 11 .so Marks: Demand 2.50; cables 2 55 Government bonds and railroad bonds heavy, Time loans strong. 6u das, do days, and 6 months 7 per cent bid. CALL MONEY. NEW YORK Nov 24 Call mone easy, high 7 per cent, low 7 per ct ttl ruling rate 7 per cent; closing bid b pel c-nt. o.'fered at 7 per cent; last : loan 7 per cent POTATOES. CHICAGO, Nov. 24 Potatoes weaker; weak-er; arrivals 101 cars; northern whites' sacked $2. 8032. 95; ditto, bulk, $3.00; western russets sacked $3.45; Minne sota sacked Red river Ohios $3 30 CASH SALES. CHICAGO, Nov. 24 Corn No. 2 mixed mix-ed $1.4501.50; No 2 yellow $l.4?'?7 1 . 50 1 ; . Oar.; No 2 w hite 75 4 77 l-4c; No. 3 white 72 8-4075c. Rve No 2 ?1 46 3 -1 i 1.4 7 Barley $1.$71.52. I Timothy seed $8 6011.60. Clover seed $35.0035'. 40 Pork nominal. Lard $2.s 2?. Kibs $19.5020.50 BUTTER AND ECGS CHICAGO, Nov 24. Butter weak; j 5771c. Epg.s receipts 614 cases; firsts 68' 69c; ordinary firsts 60 61c; at mark, cases included, 59''-CC-c; storage packed firsts 71c. Poultry alive hichcr; springs 21c, 'owls 15'.-jc21 l oc; turkeys 35c. ROBBERS DYNAMITE SAFE CHICAGO. Nov 24. While three robbers dynamited the safe (it the ' Merry Garden ball room, 640 Cottage ' avenue, early today, three confederates entertained iho ni'ht watchman with an automobile ride Thirty -hots were exchanged with the police during a chase. More than 530,000 was taken j from the safe. on SUGAR. NEW YORK. Nov. 24. Raw sugar steady; centrifugal 7.28c, refined steady; cut loaf io 50c crushed 10, 25c, mould A D 50c; cubes 9 75c, IXXXX powdered 9.20c; standard pow drrcd 9.15c; fine granulated and dia mond A. fi 00c; confectioners' A i0c, No. l soft sugar 8. 85c. BAR SILVER NEW" OHK. Nov. 24 Bar rilvct i$1.36 1-4. Me.-cican dollars $107. LIBERTY BONDS. f NEW YORK, Nov 24 Prices of Lib-lerty Lib-lerty bonds at ll 30 a m. today were: - 'olnO.iM; first 4s 94 .30; second 4l 92.10; ritsl 4 14s 94.50. second : I is 92.46; third 4 l-4s 94 22 tourth i l-4s 92.50; Vlvtory : 3-4 99 24 Yic-tory Yic-tory 4 3 Is 99. :t Pr'iea of Libert ,- bonds at 2-55 p. m. I today wore; 39 100. I""'. :rM 4s 04.31' 'C.0VH i no. f t i-is 04 4i. rPr0!, 1 1 Is rJ 3n. third 1 1 is 94. 24' '"l 4 1 Is 92.32. Victory 3 3 s 99 26' VleJ Mi tory 4 3-4s 99 24 fc |