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Show I CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, Nov. S Suspension of the railway permit system led to gen-1 eral selling of corn today and .o ma-j terial breaks in prices. Increased receipts were looked for, especially as a cold wave was predicted Weakness in sterling exchange and prospects that the government crop report this afternoon would be bearish tended also to weigh down values. The opening, which ranged from 14 to 3-4c lower j with December $1.34 to 1.34 3 4 and May 51 26 to 1 27, was followe.l by something of a rall but then by declines de-clines lower than before. Oats were relative!) firm owing to export business in (hat grain and in barley. After opening a shade lo 3i,c off, including December at 70 3-4 to 70c. the market scored a moderate 1 upturn, which, however, was not well ' maintained Provisions gave wa with corn. I Higher quotations on hogs were virtually vir-tually ignored. .. , CHICAGO CASH SALES. CHICAGO. oNv. 8 Open High Low ("lose Corn Dec. $1.34 1 35 1.323; 1.22 Jan. 1 28 1 29U 1 26Vfe 1 26'i May 1.26i 1.27 1 25 "8 126 Oats-Dec Oats-Dec .70 .71 .70 .70 May 72 .74 'o .73 .74 Pork-Jan Pork-Jan 34 75 34.55 31 55 Lard Nov. . 26 55 26.45 26.45 I Jan 24.90 24.96 24.70 24 77 ! Ribs IJan. 18.75 18.75 18.50 1S50 (May 18.80 18 80 18 55 18.55 CASH SALES. CHICAGO. Nov. 8 Corn So. 2 I mixed $1.55 n 1.57; No. 2 yellow $1.56 e l 58; nen ?i 52 Oats No. 2 whUe 73 74c: Xo. 3 white T0jO72 l-4c. Rye No 2 $1 375 1.37 3-4. P.arlev $1.28fi 1 Timothy $8 00 11 25. ("loer nominal Pork nominal. Lard $26.60 Ribs S19.0020.25 BUTTER AND EGGS. CHICAGO. oN. S -Butter higher; creamery 55 67c. Eggs higher; receipts "94 1 ci'-.o? . Hrsta 5960c; ordinary firsts 52 55c; at mark, cases included. 52 59c; -toragr- packed firsts 62' 2r Poultry alive unchanged. FLOUR. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Nov. 8 Flour unchans-i'd ; Barley $1 .06 .32. Rye No. 2 S1.2401:24 Bran $39.00. POTATOES. CHICAGO. Nov. 8. Po'atoes strong; arrivals 59 cars; northern ru-rals ru-rals Burbanks, sacked, bulk, $2 75 2.85; Idaho russets $3.25. OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET. Cattle Receipts 798. choice heavy steers $89; Rood steers $7ff8; fair steers $57: choice feeder steers $7 8; choice cows and heifers $6 7.5u; fair to good cows and heifers $nT6. cutters $4fr5. canners $34; choice feeder cows $56; fat bulls $56; gologna bulls $4'5"5, fat bulls $56: Q 11. Hozs Receipts 408; choice fat hogs 175 to 250 lbs. $13.7514.50; bulk 114914. 25. : Sheep Receipts 69"; choicr lambs $101150. wethers $6. 5007.50; fat ewefl $56; feeder lambs $9 10. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. Omaha, Neb., oNv. S (L'r.ned , States Bureau oi Markets.) Hogs 'Receipts 30U0. market, generally 15c higher; top $1". 25; bulk $11.85 "1". 10; heavy weight $11.9015.15; me dlum and cood $15.00fil5 2.".: llchl v.oighT $14 75'' 15 15; lijiht licht $14. 7 j 14.00: heavj packing bows smooth '$14 75: pigs S14.0O15.25. Cattle Receipts 350, compared with week ago: good and choice corn fod rattle nominal, others 25 fo 50c lower; butcher stocks 25 to 75c lower; fleshy feeders steady; veals 25 'i 50c higher; others 25 to 50c lower-Sheep lower-Sheep Receipts 2000; compared with week ago. lambs 10 to 15c lower; ; sheep and yearlings 25c higher; feed-ers feed-ers and breeders strong. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK i KANSAS CITY, Mo, Nov. 8 i (United States Bureau of Markets ) i Receipts 1500; market 25 to 35c higher; high-er; bulk $15.20015.55; heavies $15-;15!515 $15-;15!515 40; mediums $15 2015 55; lights $15 2015.60; light lights $14.-!5015.50; $14.-!5015.50; packinK sows $14 00 all. -76; pigs $12.7514.50 Cattle Receipts 2000. market for week Beef and btrtcher cattle, pack ers and feeders steady to weak; canners can-ners weak; calves 50c higher Sheep Receipts 1500; ruarkei for j week : lambs 75c lower; other fat sheep 25 to 50c locer; feeders 75c higher; breeders dull and weak. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Nov. 8. Hogs Receipts 9000; market 15 to 25c higher, closing weak, bulk $11 9015 35; top $15.45; heavv S14.9015.S0; medium S15.00 5 15 15; llghl S15.00 15.35: lisht. light $14.7515.15; heavv packing SOWS', smooth. $14.6014.85: packing . a rough, $14.2514.50; pigs $11. 50 15.00. r;ittle Receipts 4000; compared with week ago, strictly good to prime .steers mostly 50c higher; common and (medium grades steady; canners and 'bet she-stock 25c higher; other grades mostly steady: best butcher bo-logna bo-logna bulls 25 to 50c higher, others mostly 25c lower; westerns mostly steady. Sheep Receipts 8000; market steady; compared with a week ago: fat lambs 25 to 50c higher; sheep and j yearlings steady to 25c higher: bulls 'and feeders steady; breeding ewes I Steady to 50c lower LONDON SILVER. LONDON, Nov. 8 Bar silver 67d per ounce Money unchanged. Discount rates: Short bills 5 per :;eut; three month bills 5 2-4 per cent, j LIBERTY BONDS NEW YORK, oNv. 8 Final prices j on Liberty bonds today were: 33 100.60: first 4s 96 00; second 4s 92.80: first 4 l-4s 95.00; second 4 l-4s 93 00; third 4 l-4s 95.00; fourth 4 l 4s 93. 08; Victory 3 3-4s 99 41; Victory Vic-tory 4 3-4s 99 40. v MONEY. NEW YORK, .'o. 8. Mercantile paper unchanged. Sterling: Demand $1.14; cables 14.14 2-4 Francs: Demand 9.03; cables 9.01. Giulders Demand .37 11-16; cables 37. Lire Demand 11.22; cables 11 20 Marks Demand 2.82; cables 3.86 BAR MLVER. NEW YORK. oNv. 8 Bar silver II 23. Mexican dollars 97c WHEN THE OTHER FELLOW'S BUSY. When tha other f llow'i buey, wave your hand and ph.-. .ilong. Do not ask htm ihen to listen to your I little tale ot 'vrong. Do not talk htxut the wenth.er o- latest bit of news Shout a glad good morning to him, but don't stop to air your views. "V"hcn the other fellow's busy with the Work he has to do, Don't Imagine that he's eagor to hear! Idle talk from you. IT. on'l thank ou for your visit, but he'll list you with the fools And he'll wish he'd novnr met you If you m ike him drop his tools. hen the. nth' r fellow's bu.y. never tak" the empty har r.ist fortft your plsnt story or your life talc of care ; E M ! . I in. . Ik . tlilnkinp offv the Work h.-- ha? to do M in '.lid I" I.'. I Mi. .1 . i. : ' .'''I ' ' V$ to see it through. ll : .. k. . ,. i! !'! t'l--l"P rt Yi"t tho wn - ou mei I in. I kn"v A T you'd have them glad to see you 'ir"J t". be sorry when you co. J Til. I. s 1 1 , ,.. t.,,M U Ll !f ""' ijljjj- tellinc it in .1. l I When th. oi h. i i.m.-.u ! d0 "' fij, 1 atop and waste hia time 'e |