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Show P I BARBER SHOPS I WILL CLOSE I I All barber shops are requested I ' I to close all day Tuesday, Novem- I I I ber 11, Armistice day, working I j H until 9 o'clock the evening be : E fere. H 1 EXECUTIVE RO&RO H i BARBERS' UNION -1 urn Hiipj i in w ipjipjiui r LAST & THOMAS Enormous business, low price and steady growth are the principles of Last and Thomas' establishment. Right now, prices on staple merchandise merchan-dise are steadily climbing, regardless of the quality; not only that, there is a scarcity of finished cotton and woolen goods. No doubt prices are high, and advances will follow. With these high prices prevailing we were informed by expert advice, months ago, the true condition of higher prices, to come for future selling. Contemplating the fact that goods would cost more we bought thousands of dollars of merchandise and stored these for future sales; a real protection to hold prices down. Pandemonium of bargains your opportunity. Watch for our special ads. and windows and also we will have surprises in special sales in the different departments every week. Excitement will ring when we let loose the vast assortment of the many different lines of merchandise we own, at such low prices. Please take notice many items are not advertised adver-tised for this reason: We want you to be here to share in these unusual values. Explained by cardS) each department having values far below the market quotations. These exceptional bargains will be continued and changed, to give everybody an opportunity to share in our rich stocks of Dry Goods. , PHENOMENAL COAT SALE REMNANTS AT A TABLE LINEN BIG BED SPREAD BAR- WOMEN'S SILK FIBRE The supremcy of style fashion Prices leduccd beyend narv coio. HOSE, 59c PAIR recognition; actual savings 25 per cent to 35 per cent SACRIFICE REMNANTS GAIN, $2.19 r,,r one week only at 59c a gS'gg ggg gfl7-5 Cretom argoin pri, e, Accumulation I oui .ast sale Plain hemmed crochet bed J I moo coats $6750 several hundred , ffxn uZl 11 yZ? 8?Ted' largc 8lf wack, ta.,,,. There are about fifty styles in all, every one new, and offering fancv oolorcd Vretbnnes cerizGd I L Zths , ' 'll bcd T'T1 " 1 tJra' " , -rc"n aml '" rXrrllr 1 ' I f a breadth of selection and quality, such as is seldom found in ' -f ' . " ' ' ' S( t 1( . n"r bought al wholesale sortmen1 of zes, splendW early season sales. You will be surprised at the beauty of the beautiful remnants from our payto ge s on te of il. at thls price n,.aring qUalUyj ri?ht Qt the I . materials, the excellence of workmanship, many of them are best sf'llors- m bird designs Vr, ienrths are Willing Lo lot 10 dozen oi time when prices are advanc- full satin lined and interlined and practically all have fur and Oriental patterns and t,H. ,.jgilt tabic reqnirements these marvelous spreads go . in& Mr ,,1,rI' fme Unr I f : collars. Materials included wool, velours, Bolivias, polo colorings. Remnants Prom TURKISH TOWELS 2 ;lt this remarkable price ol boscworth a dollar a pur, cloths, silvertones and others, all wanted shades. We consider to iii: yards I se FORllO ' " 2. 19 each '' thls unusua price oi ?9c this the acme of value giving. We acclaimed the perfection ful for fancy cur. Large size Turkish towels, lZlnZ IE and desirability in these coats and the great savin? of dollars '& J ' cxtra fine quality, regular BABY BIBS, 10c EACH "ggy owmaHBSi 1r will make your investment a satisfaction from every stand ''nns- BCarfs 1 mak( 75c comes ; ,, ,,, and Turkish fancj baby bibs, HObE feU?TERS 18c Point. for Christmas cifts. Beauti- yeliow border!, spiendid oi worth. 20c, a nice asso-t- ir i , !fc SENSATIONAL DRESS VALUE Fu Pa"nsat u !,l"-",m gifts and Qiowers. Special ment of dainty patterns, ex- fnand Late Arrivals Individual Styles, Worth $45. $50 and $6C. Pnce' value- cellent value at lOo eacn children, colors black and ALL AT ONE PRICE, $35 00. ;vhite- reLllar 2?c and 30c? This remarkable collection comprises fashionable dresses. PA!?TV PUMP? large stock to select trnm at I r developed m silks, satins, all-wool," trieotme. jersey and many MSjb rUlfUJ "?aiu price nt- lbc a I L other materials; supreme models with touches of high grado bbBBbIjSbbibV I trimmings. Marvelous they are and unmatchable m comparison JBRM In new designs lona receding toes and hieh French heels STEEL SCISSORS, 50c every one of them worthy of your attention. All new fall colors l;Bk 'WJ-' designs, long receding toes and nign rrencn neeis, EACH H; U at your selection SB fT fiU) a combination that makes a very graceful slipper for v, , v ?'""1 i'P'.dii;. s?Usors, I SILK UNDERWEAR CREPE DE CHINE ND WASH r ' MZJ? n"1 ! '"'"," "m!'roi.,lr,"-v SATIi. UNUSUAL SALE PRICE, $5 90 ' " ' 'flKZ ivS afternoon or evening wear tf S.I'1S:"I"'S. '" sMI,;ikri- C Regular $7.50 to $8.00 garments in Crepe de Chine night ' :M mtSf' . . , . "o - s,,r'ars'1 S1 oet!0n ccmpL-to, gowns, wash satin and crepe de chine bloomers, crepe and satin ':'Hp?li to be had in Patent' 'SSt1 TK'Tk I iS chemise, pink and flesh colored silk garments; profusely l IVt r i ,, , , . . . .i , J &)sk V u!m S E e 1 trimmed in fine laces and satin ribbons Extremity of ine f bIack and whlte kld' old VT&J -J:. N HAND BA'S ,48 . j r. underwear is i found in this .special selection, tho assortment and silver cloth. mM " ha- .ti " ' "." will I is complete, the price is so fabulously low you cannot realize, tojL fp f55fe&?3m U: , i ,, 'MlimV I until you have participated in this sale. I Wl-S: tass1el anf nlkni Wlth "J" " S yhXCfL-- M ''infJ pockothook, Asonder'ul tia, j SILK GEORGETTE CREPE f HJ-fck; P value at $1.48 :''- SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK AT $1.98 YARD FiRFS WAI KIW HftF W: 9MkT: GLOVE SALE, 88c PAIR I Our $3.00 best quality georgette, 40 inches wide, a perfect VlXLdO W nhlUJ OllVLiU TBfcsW' M ls salc AviU ,liaw 1Ildny I i range of colorings, for waist and fine dresses. That very best 01 , c T -g " A5s5b2!S shoppers to this useful I quality georgette, noted for Us wearing : nnds the Shoe5 for every Purpose, our assortment of the very C Y "T off.u,, ?, - ",n rbam -is I ; severest test of wear without wearing, and the washing un- latest styles and designs and all the up-to-date colors are gloves and automobile glows I i equaled Buy now for Christmas you actually i ave vl o0 on , , , "r the wanted colors, in J each yard. Doubtful if you ever will duplicate such wonder- now to be had at our store. t? S l,.i.-k. i.,n. ulnir. ..-.y, I ful georgette crepe at this genuine bargain offering. Moderately Priced From $8.50 to $18.50. brown. Plenty of sizes. LA5T THOMAS 1 1 u. n Pneumonia often followa a NWf(JJ' Jsj4 Neglected Cold KILL THE COLDI . CASCARAQUINlNt g Sundird cold remedy for 20 Tr EAk. m tablet form m' '"7 24 I op.ate,-breakS up cold hours-relieve. V9 CT7he Money back if it f R(J I - Read tho Classified Ads- |